Topology explores spaces and the study of the continuity of functions, and from the perspective of undergraduates, it can be seen as a generalization of Analysis. Its applications throughout mathematics are nearly as ubiquitous as Set Theory.
General Topology
- What is a Topological Space?
- Trivial Topology and Discrete Topology
- Subspace Topology / Relative Topology
- Accumulation Points, Convergence, Complement
- Various Equivalent Conditions of Interiors
- Separability and Closure
- In General Topological Spaces, Limits of Sequences Are Not Unique
- Open and Closed Functions
- Basis and Local Basis
- Subbasis
- First Countable and Second Countable
- Proof of Alexander Subbasis Theorem
Topological Properties
Topological Properties
- What is Connectedness?
- Intermediate Value Theorem
- Connected Components and Totally Disconnected Spaces
- What is Path Connectedness?
- Path Connected Components
- Local Connectedness and Local Path Connectedness
Many topics in topology are important, but compactness is particularly significant. Even if topology isn’t your strong suit, it’s crucial to diligently study compactness.
- What are Compact and Precompact?
- Limit Point Compactness and Bolzano-Weierstrass Property
- Countable Compactness and Lindelöf Property
- Sequential Compactness
- Finite Intersection Property f.i.p.
- Compact Hausdorff Spaces are Normal Spaces
- Useful Properties of Compact Spaces and Continuous Functions
- Extreme Value Theorem
- Lebesgue’s Number Lemma
- Uniform Continuity Theorem
- Peano Space Filling Theorem
- One Point Compactification
Product and Quotient
Named Spaces
- Croom. (1989). Principles of Topology
- Munkres. (2000). Topology(2nd Edition)
All posts
- What is a Topological Space?
- Limit Points and Convergence in Topological Spaces, Image Sets
- Self-Evident Topology and Discrete Topology
- Topological Spaces: Separability and Closure
- Limits of sequence are not unique in general Space
- Loose Topology and Leisurely Mountain Topology
- Bases and Local Bases in Topology
- The First Countable and the Second Countable
- First Countability and Second Countability of Metric Spaces
- Subbasis in Topology
- Equivalence Conditions for Bases in Topology
- Continuous in Topology
- Open Functions and Closed Functions
- Homotopy in Topological Spaces
- Topological Properties
- What are Successive Properties in Topology?
- Separation Properties in Topology
- Being a Space and Having All Finite Subsets Closed are Equivalent
- In Hausdorff Spaces, Limits of Sequences Are Unique
- Connectivity in Topology
- Various Equivalent Conditions of Connected Spaces
- The Transfer Continuous Function Preserves Connectivity
- Properties of Subspaces in Connected Spaces
- Connected Components and Totally Disconnected Spaces
- Proof of the Intermediate Value Theorem
- What is the Fixed Point Property in Topology?
- Path-Connectedness in Topology
- Proof of the Adhesive Lemma
- Path Connectivity Components
- Local Connectivity and Local Path Connectivity
- Topologist's Sine Curves and Metric Spaces
- What are Compact and Precompact in Topological Spaces?
- Finite Intersection Property
- A Compact Hausdorff Space is a Normal Space
- Useful Properties of Compact Spaces and Continuous Functions
- Proof of the Maximum and Minimum Value Theorem in Topological Spaces
- Uniform Continuity Theorem
- Additive Compactness and Lindelöf Spaces
- Bolzano-Weierstrass Property and Compactness of Accumulation Points
- Löb's Theorem Proof
- Proof of the Peano Space-Filling Theorem
- Point Compactification
- The Proof of Baire's Category Theorem
- Cantor Set
- Cartesian Product of Topological Spaces
- Proof of the Alexander Subbase Theorem
- Tikhonov's Theorem Proof
- Functional Spaces in Topology
- Wirtinger Inequality and Tietze Extension Theorem
- Quotient Space
- What is a Manifold?
- Separated Union Topological Space
- In Topology, What is a Coordinate System?
- Homomorphism Preserves Basis
- Several Equivalent Conditions for the Interior in a Topological Space
- Subspace Topology, Relative Topology
- Completely Bounded Space
- Generating Topology from a Basis
- Properties of the Interior in Topological Spaces and Subspaces
- The Equivalence between Compact Metric Spaces and Complete, Totally Bounded Spaces
- Embedding in Topology
- Definition of Weak Topology
- What is a Torus in Mathematics?
- What is Sequential Compactness in Topological Spaces?