Let’s assume a directed graph is given.
- A finite sequence of arcs is called a Directed Walk and is represented as follows: In this case, is called the Initial Vertex, is called the Final Vertex, and is referred to as the Length.
- A directed walk with all distinct arcs is called a Directed Trail.
- A directed walk with all distinct vertices is called a Directed Path.
- If the start and end points of a directed walk are the same, it is said to be Closed.
- A closed path is called a Directed Cycle.
An Arc refers to an edge with direction in a directed graph. The definitions above essentially redefine the definitions of walks, trails, paths, and cycles for directed graphs.
Before introducing the definition of orientation, let’s review the connectivity of general graphs.
Set Representation of Graphs: For two graphs and , assume . Then, the Union of the two graphs has the vertex set and the edge set . If graph cannot be represented as the union of graphs, is said to be Connected.
Now, let’s define the orientation of graphs.
- For any two vertices in the directed graph , if there exists a directed path with the initial vertex and the final vertex , then is said to be Strongly Connected.
- If by assigning directions to the edges of graph , it can be made into a strongly connected directed graph, then is said to be Orientable, and such a strongly connected directed graph is called the Orientation of .
Explanation 1
Unlike clean definitions of connectivity through the set representation of graphs, strong connectivity is defined through the existence of paths. It is not mathematically elegant but can be understood more intuitively. In hindsight, the connectivity of general graphs could also be defined through the existence of paths, but using set representation is similar to the way connectivity is defined in topology.
In simple terms, an Orientable Graph is a general graph that maintains connectivity even when changed to a directed graph. Obviously, if there is no connectivity, it cannot have strong connectivity. For example, the following graph shows that it becomes an orientable graph by having strong connectivity when directions are assigned.
Regarding orientable graphs, the following theorem related to cycles is known.
Let be a connected graph. That is orientable and all its edges are included in at least one cycle are equivalent.
Strategy: If there exists an end vertex that does not belong to a cycle in the graph, regardless of how the directions are assigned, entering or leaving is inevitable, so it cannot be an orientable graph. From this fact, all vertices and edges of an orientable graph must belong to a cycle.
Let’s fix cycle of . If all edges are part of , there is nothing to prove, but suppose there is an edge adjacent to but not part of . However, since is orientable, it must belong to another cycle . can be seen as a newly formed cycle that includes the directions already given in . Since is a connected graph, the same way, new cycles can be assigned to each edge not part of or . Therefore, all edges of belong to at least one cycle.
It is trivial. Since all edges belong to at least one cycle, it’s possible to reach any final vertex from any starting point by passing through various cycles.
- アークの有限のシーケンスを有向ウォークと呼び、次のように表される。 このとき、 を始点、 を終点、 を長さという。
- 有向ウォークのアークが全て異なる場合、有向トレイルという。
- 有向ウォークの頂点が全て異なる場合、有向パスという。
- 有向ウォークの始点と終点が同じ場合、閉じているという。
- 閉じたパスをサイクルという。
グラフの集合表現: 二つのグラフとに対してとする。すると、二つのグラフのユニオンは頂点セットとエッジセットを持つグラフである。グラフがグラフのユニオンとして表現できない場合、は接続されているという。
- 有向グラフにおいて、任意の二つの頂点に対して、始点がで終点がの有向パスが存在する場合、は強く接続されているという。
- グラフのエッジに方向を付けて強く接続された有向グラフを作ることができれば、はオリエンタブルであるといい、その強く接続された有向グラフをのオリエンテーションという。
説明 1
戦略: グラフにサイクルに属さない頂点エンドヴァーテックスが存在する場合、どのように方向を付けても、には入るか出るしかないため、オリエンタブルなグラフになることはできない。この事実から、オリエンタブルなグラフの全ての頂点とエッジは必ずサイクルに属していなければならない。