Schwarz-Christoffel Mapping
Theorem 1
On the complex plane, a polygon with angles is called , and let’s denote these angles as and the size of its interior angles as . Then, for and , the transformation that satisfies maps the real axis to the broken line . This is called the Schwarz-Christoffel Transformation.
If we assume , this is represented as a mapping on , the unit circle, for . The proof is omitted because it’s too long and tedious, but to get a rough idea, is by the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and, , i.e., the presence of critical points can be confirmed.
Understanding the geometric meaning of critical points, it would not be difficult to guess how such a function was discovered. Since it obviously includes polygons when we say broken lines, its importance needs no further discussion.
If is a polygon, note that points satisfying , that is, the upper side of the -plane, correspond to the interior of . Surprisingly, even cases like are permissible and if we set as since , it can just be considered nonexistent.
Osborne (1999). Complex variables and their applications: p225. ↩︎