Ito's Formula
📂Stochastic Differential EquationsIto's Formula
Given an Itô process {Xt}t≥0,
for a function V(t,Xt)=V∈C2([0,∞)×R), let Yt:=V(t,Xt), then {Yt} is also an Itô process and the following holds:
- C2 is a class of functions that are twice differentiable and their derivatives are continuous.
- Vt=∂t∂V, Vx=∂Xt∂V, and Vxx=∂Xt2∂2V.
- (dXt)2=dXt⋅dXt is calculated according to the following Itô multiplication table.
is obtained.
The Itô formula is also known as the Itô lemma or Itô chain rule and is a crucial theorem used throughout stochastic differential equations. Because it frequently appears in almost all calculations, it certainly merits being called a chain rule.
The proof is omitted here, but simply applies the multivariable Taylor theorem and disregards higher-order terms.
Integrating a Wiener process by a Wiener process is intuitively difficult to understand. Formally, one might naturally expect a result like ∫0tWsdWs=21Wt2, similar to Riemann integration, but let’s calculate and see if this is the case.
Before using the Itô formula, set the given Itô process to u=0, v=1 such that
then Xt=Wt. Here, if we let Yt:=V(t,Xt)=2Xt2,
then from u=0, v=1,
converting the differential form to the integral form yields
Summarizing gives the following.
At first glance, the presence of the 1th term −t/2, which was not in Riemann integration, might seem messy and inconvenient. However, considering taking the expectation,
thus it disappears neatly as
E(∫0tWsdWs)=21(t−t)=0. The 1th term is not just garbage generated due to a difference in calculation methods but has its own meaningful existence. If one concurs that the expectation when integrating a Wiener process by a Wiener process should be 0, then one can intuitively accept the above conclusion.
Stochastic Integration
Let a<b and c be a constant and let t>0.
The above two cases yield the same results as ordinary Riemann integration, but the following yields a unique result only seen in Itô integration.
Especially regarding the expectation and variance, the following equations are known.