Proof of the Law of Cosines
Theorem 1
For an element of a group ,
When one encounters abstract algebra, they begin to learn what they have previously known in a new language. The cancellation property is probably among the first theorems one encounters. Normally, we simply say that we divide (multiply by the inverse) the same thing on both sides. The term “cancellation property” is used in Japan, and if one wishes to remember it by any name, it would be good to be aware of the expression used in English.
If we say , since is an element of , there exists a left inverse . Multiplying both sides by the left inverse gives Since the associative law holds, By the definition of the inverse, if the identity of is called , then it is , therefore By the definition of identity, The proof for the right-hand side can be done in the same manner.
Fraleigh. (2003). A first course in abstract algebra(7th Edition): p41. ↩︎