
Unitary Group 📂Abstract Algebra

Unitary Group


n×nn \times n The set of unitary matrices is denoted as U(n)\mathrm{U}(n) and is called the unitary group of degree nn.

U(n):={n×n unitary matrix}={AMn×n(C):AA=I} \mathrm{U}(n) := \left\{ n \times n \text{ unitary matrix} \right\} = {\left\{ A \in M_{n \times n}(\mathbb{C}) : A A^{\ast} = I \right\}}

Here, AA^{\ast} is the conjugate transpose matrix.


Since it only collects unitary matrices, it forms a group under matrix multiplication. It is a subgroup of the general linear group GL(n,C)\mathrm{GL}(n, \mathbb{C}).

It is a Lie group because it has a differentiable structure.