Carnot's Theorem Proof
No engine can be more efficient than a Carnot engine.
Even though it’s impossible to actually implement a Carnot engine, the fact that it represents a theoretical limit is very meaningful.
Let’s assume that there is an engine more efficient than a Carnot engine .
takes in heat and does work , and takes in heat and work to output heat .
If we consider both engines as one, takes in heat and outputs heat .
According to the first law of thermodynamics, since the change in internal energy (work) depends only on the change in heat energy, it follows:
By organizing and respectively, we get:
Furthermore, the efficiency of and is , and since is a Carnot engine, we have:
Therefore, the following inequality holds:
Eliminating from both ends and taking the reciprocal gives:
This means , but since it was also , we conclude that heat flows from a lower to a higher temperature as shown:
Clausius: A process that transfers heat from a cold to a hot body by itself does not occur.
This violates Clausius’ second law of thermodynamics, therefore by reductio ad absurdum, we know the assumption was false. Hence, there is no engine more efficient than a Carnot engine like .