Characteristics Polynomial of Linear Transformation
📂Linear AlgebraCharacteristics Polynomial of Linear Transformation
The characteristic polynomial of linear transformation is defined. From the theorem below, it can be seen that solving equation det(A−λI)=0 is equivalent to finding the eigenvalues. Therefore, it is quite natural to name det(A−λI) the characteristic polynomial.
Let’s say F is any field, and A∈Mn×n(F). That λ∈F is an eigenvalue of A is equivalent to det(A−λI)=0.
Assume λ is an eigenvalue of A. Then,
λ is eigenvalue of A⟺∃non-zero v such that Av=λv⟺∃non-zero v such that (A−λI)v=0
Conditions Equivalent to Invertibility
Let’s say A is a square matrix of size n×n. Then, the following propositions are all equivalent:
By the conditions equivalent to invertibility, A−λI is not invertible, and det(A−λI)=0.
Let’s say A∈Mn×n(F). The polynomial f(t)=det(A−tI) is called the characteristic polynomial of A. f(t)=0 is called the characteristic equation.
Let V be a vector space of dimension n. Let T:V→V be a linear transformation. Let β be an ordered basis of V. The characteristic polynomial f(t) of T is defined as the characteristic polynomial of the matrix representation of T. In other words, f(t) is as follows.
According to the definition, the roots of the characteristic polynomial of T:V→V are precisely the eigenvalues, and if the characteristic polynomial is factorable, T has n=dim(V) eigenvalues (not said to be distinct).
By definition, it might seem that the characteristic polynomial of T depends on how the ordered basis β is chosen, but in reality, it does not. For this reason, the characteristic polynomial of the linear transformation T is sometimes denoted as follows.
Let’s check. If β, β′ are the ordered bases of V, and Q is the change of basis matrix that converts β coordinates into β′ coordinates, then,