Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations with external forces (Julia DifferentialEquations Package)
DifferentialEquations.jl is a Julia package for numerical solutions of differential equations. In this article, we will introduce how to find a numerical solution of an ordinary differential equation with a forcing term using DifferentialEquations.jl. Reading the tutorial might be helpful.
First-order ODE with Forcing Term
Consider the following simple problem.
Solving this using the integrating factor method, we obtain the exact solution as follows.
Now let’s find a numerical solution to the above equation using the package. First, rewrite the equation in the format of . Then it becomes and is defined in code as follows. Note that the solution should be written as u
, and the parameter should be written as p(t)
using DifferentialEquations
using Plots
f(u, p, t) = u + p(t)
For performance, you can define it in an in-place manner as follows.
function f!(du, u, p, t)
du[1] = u[1] + p(t)
Now, define the initial value, domain, and forcing function. If you defined f
in an in-place manner, be aware that the initial value should also be defined as a vector, like u0 = [0.0]
u0 = 0.0
tspan = (0.0, 1.0)
p(t) = sin(t)
Finally, define the problem using ODEProblem
and solve it with solve
prob = ODEProblem(f, u0, tspan, p)
sol = solve(prob)
Checking the graph for verification, it appears as follows.
plot(sol, lw = 5, label = "numerical solution")
plot!(LinRange(0, 1, 100), t -> -(1/2)*(sin(t) + cos(t) - exp(t)), lw=3, ls=:dash, lc=:red, label="exact solution")
Complete Code
using DifferentialEquations
using Plots
f(u, p, t) = u + p(t)
function g!(du, u, p, t)
du[1] = u[1] + p(t)
u0 = 0.0
tspan = (0.0, 1.0)
p(t) = sin(t)
prob = ODEProblem(f, u0, tspan, p)
sol = solve(prob)
plot(sol, lw = 5, label = "numerical solution", dpi=300)
plot!(LinRange(0, 1, 100), t -> -(1/2)*(sin(t) + cos(t) - exp(t)), lw=3, ls=:dash, lc=:red, label="exact solution")
Second-order ODE with Forcing Term
Consider the following forced harmonic oscillator problem.
Since this is a second-order linear nonhomogeneous equation, the solution can be obtained as the sum of the complementary solution and the particular solution . Upon calculation, the complementary solution is , and the particular solution is . Therefore, the exact solution is as follows.
Now let’s solve this problem using the package. Letting and , the above problem can be represented as the following system of ODEs.
The above expressions can be coded as follows.
function forced_harmonic_oscillation!(dx, x, p, t)
dx[1] = x[2]
dx[2] = -2x[2] -0.5x[1] + p(t)
Of course, you can simply set p(t)
as cos(2t)
and solve. In that case, don’t include p
as an argument to ODEProblem
. Define the initial value, domain, and forcing function as in the previous example, and solve for the numerical solution using the following code.
x0 = [0.0, 1.0]
tspan = (0.0, 40.0)
p(t) = cos(2t)
prob2 = ODEProblem(forced_harmonic_oscillation!, x0, tspan, p)
sol2 = solve(prob2)
Plotting to check for correspondence with the actual solution gives the following.
x(t) = 0.6564172054223187exp((-1+sqrt(0.5))*t) -0.5325234001125843exp((-1-sqrt(0.5))*t)-(14/113)*cos(2t) + (16/113)*sin(2t)
plot(sol2, lw = 5, label = "numerical solution", dpi=300, idxs=1)
plot!(LinRange(0, 40, 100), t -> x(t), lw=3, ls=:dash, lc=:red, label="exact solution")
Complete Code
using DifferentialEquations
using Plots
function forced_harmonic_oscillation!(dx, x, p, t)
dx[1] = x[2]
dx[2] = -2x[2] -0.5x[1] + cos(2t)
x0 = [0.0, 1.0]
tspan = (0.0, 40.0)
p(t) = cos(2t)
prob2 = ODEProblem(forced_harmonic_oscillation!, x0, tspan)
sol2 = solve(prob2)
x(t) = 0.6564172054223187exp((-1+sqrt(0.5))*t) -0.5325234001125843exp((-1-sqrt(0.5))*t)-(14/113)*cos(2t) + (16/113)*sin(2t)
plot(sol2, lw = 5, label = "numerical solution", dpi=300, idxs=1)
plot!(LinRange(0, 40, 100), t -> x(t), lw=3, ls=:dash, lc=:red, label="exact solution")
- OS: Windows11
- Version: Julia 1.10.0, DifferentialEquations v7.15.0, Plots v1.40.3