Numerical Analysis
No matter how great mathematics is, not all problems in the world can be solved with just paper and a pen. Numerical analysis is a methodology that uses machines to approximate solutions to problems, making it an indispensable tool in applied mathematical research.
Functions and Integration
- Finite Difference
- Finite Difference Method (FDM)
- 🔒(25/04/07) Complex-Step Approximation for Differentiation
Function Approximation
- Function Approximation
- Chebyshev Polynomials of the First Kind
- Chebyshev Polynomials of the Second Kind
- Relationship Between First and Second Kind Chebyshev Polynomials
- Chebyshev Expansion
- Chebyshev Nodes
Numerical Integration
- Numerical Integration
- Trapezoidal Rule
- Simpson’s Rule
- Newton-Cotes Integration Formula
- Variable Substitution Trick for Evaluating Improper Integrals Numerically
- Gaussian Quadrature
- Laguerre Polynomials
- Hermite Polynomials ,
- Gaussian Quadrature for Evaluating Improper Integrals Numerically
Numerical Solutions of Algebraic Equations
Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations
- What Is a Differential Equation Solver?
- Lipschitz Condition
- Euler’s Method
- Multistep Methods
- Parasitic Solutions
- Trapezoidal Method
- Richardson Error Estimation
- Adams Method
- Root Condition of Multistep Methods
- A-Stability
- Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods (ERK)
- Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods (IRK)
Partial Differential Equations
- Heat Equation: Finite Difference Method (FDM)
- Heat Equation: The Method of Lines
- Wave Equation: Finite Difference Method (FDM)
- Wave Equation: -Space Method
- Wave Equation: Absorbing Boundary Conditions
- Atkinson. (1989). An Introduction to Numerical Analysis(2nd Edition)
All posts
- Numerical Analysis in Differences
- First kind Chebyshev polynomials
- Second Kind Chebyshev Polynomials
- Relationship between the First and Second Kind Chebyshev Polynomials
- Rate of Convergence in Numerical Analysis
- Bisection Method
- Newton-Raphson Method
- Differential Stages in Numerical Analysis
- Secant Method
- Mueller Method
- Newton's Method for Solving Nonlinear Systems
- Interpolation in Numerical Analysis
- Polynomial Interpolation
- Lagrange's Formula Derivation
- Derivation of Newton's Forward Difference Formula
- Hermite-Genocchi Formula
- Hermite Interpolation
- Numerical Analysis in Splines
- B-Splines in Numerical Analysis
- Function Approximation in Numerical Analysis
- Minimization and Maximization Approximations and Least Squares Approximations in Numerical Analysis
- Chebyshev Expansion
- Chebyshev Nodes
- Numerical Integration
- Trapezoidal Rule
- Simpson's Rule
- Newton-Cotes Integration Formulas
- Gaussian Quadrature
- Tricks for Variable Substitution to Compute Improper Integrals Numerically
- Laguerre Polynomials
- Hermite Polynomials
- Gaussian Quadrature for Numerically Computing Improper Integrals
- Lipschitz Condition
- Euler Method in Numerical Analysis
- Strong Lipschitz Condition and Error of the Euler Method
- Initial Value Variation and the Error in the Euler Method
- Multistep Methods
- Consistency and Order of Convergence of Multistep Methods
- Convergence and Error of Multistep Methods
- Midpoint Method
- Parasitic Solution
- Trapezoidal Method
- Richardson Error Estimation
- Adams Method
- Multistep Methods' Root Condition
- Stability and Root Conditions of Consistent Multistep Methods
- Convergence and Root Condition of Consistent Multistep Methods
- A-Stable
- Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method
- Numerical Solution to the Initial Value Problem for the Heat Equation Given Dirichlet Boundary Conditions
- Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods
- Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods
- Finite Difference Method
- Numerical Solutions of Heat Equations: Finite Difference Method
- Derivation of Finite Difference Using Multiple Points
- Numerical Solution of the Wave Equation: Finite Difference Method (FDM)
- Numerical Solution of the Wave Equation: K-Space Method
- How to Choose Coefficients in the Runge-Kutta Method
- What is a Differential Equation Solver?