Laplace Transform of the First Order Derivative
📂Odinary Differential EquationsLaplace Transform of the First Order Derivative
Let’s assume the following two conditions.
- Let function f(t) be continuous on interval 0≤t≤A, and let its first derivative f′(t) be piecewise continuous.
- There exists real numbers a and positive numbers K, M such that when t≥M, it satisfies ∣f(t)∣≤Keat.
Then, the first derivative of f’s Laplace transform L{f′(t)} exists when s>a and its value is as follows.
To put the conditions simply, ‘The Laplace transform of f(t) exists and f′(t) is piecewise continuous’.
If A→∞lim∫0Ae−stf′(t)dt converges, then the proof is complete. Since it is stated that f′ is piecewise continuous within the interval, let’s say there are k points of discontinuity. And let’s name these points of discontinuity t1, t2, ⋯, tk. If we divide the integration by these points of discontinuity, it would look as follows.
Now, let’s perform integration by parts for each term. Separating the definite and indefinite integrals, we organize them as follows.
Calculating the definite integral part and combining the integral parts, we get the following.
As assumed, since the Laplace transform of f(t) exists,
Now, to check if A→∞lime−sAf(A) converges, by demonstrating that the Laplace transform of f′(t) exists. By Condition 2., it follows that ∣f(A)∣≤KeaA. Multiplying both sides by e−sA,
Then, taking the limit A→∞lim on both sides, when s>a, the right-hand side converges to 0. Therefore, the left-hand side also converges to 0. Thus,
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