A system in which the state at a given time is represented by its past state is called a dynamical system. For example, if we have a variable that can be expressed by some map as or if the state of can be represented by the differential equation for some function , then such cases fall under this definition. In this context, systems that yield deterministic values are called dynamic systems, while non-deterministic systems are referred to as stochastic processes.1
Dynamical systems is a branch of mathematics that takes a mathematical approach to these systems, encompassing mathematical modeling and system analysis. Despite its relatively low recognition domestically, it is a broad field with diverse applications in physics, chemistry, biology, business, and more, playing an active role in both abstract explorations of space-time and practical problem-solving.
Mark | Subcategories |
⚫ | Chaos |
🟢 | Biology |
General Dynamical Systems
Sets and Spaces
- Orbits and Phase Portraits
- Invariant Sets
- Attractors
- Hyperbolicity of Fixed Points
- Hyperbolicity of Limit Cycles
- Dynamical Systems Expressed as Maps and Fixed Points
- One-Dimensional Maps
- Multi-Dimensional Maps
Differential Equations
- Dynamical Systems Expressed as Differential Equations and Equilibrium Points
- Flows and Time- Maps
- Orbits and Limit Cycles
- Classification of Fixed Points in Systems Expressed by Differential Equations ● ◐ ○
- Conserved Quantities in Systems Expressed by Differential Equations
- Omega Limit Sets in Systems Expressed by Differential Equations
- Two-Dimensional Systems
- Liouville’s Theorem in Dynamical Systems
- LaSalle’s Invariance Principle
- Definition of the Lyapunov Spectrum
- Lyapunov Spectrum of Systems Expressed by Differential Equations and Its Numerical Calculation
- Trajectories Not Containing Fixed Points Possess at Least One Zero Lyapunov Exponent
- Chaos in Systems Expressed by Differential Equations ⚫
Bifurcation Theory
- Bifurcation
- Bifurcation Diagrams
- Pitchfork Bifurcation
- Transcritical Bifurcation
- Saddle-Node Bifurcation
- Homoclinic Bifurcation
- Heteroclinic Bifurcation
- Infinite-Period Bifurcation
- Hopf Bifurcation
- Period-Doubling Bifurcation
- Neimark-Sacker Bifurcation
- Chaotic Transition ⚫
Mathematical Modeling
Named Systems
- Mass Action Law in Mathematics
- Lorenz Attractor ⚫
- Rössler Attractor ⚫
- Duffing Oscillator
- Double Pendulum ⚫
- Logistic Family ⚫🟢
- Hénon Map ⚫
- Ikeda Map ⚫
Population Growth
- Malthusian Growth Model: Ideal Population Growth 🟢
- Logistic Growth Model: Limits to Population Growth 🟢
- Gompertz Growth Model: Growth Delay Over Time 🟢
- Bass Diffusion Model: Innovation and Imitation
- Lotka–Volterra Predator–Prey Model 🟢
- Lotka–Volterra Competition Model 🟢
- May–Leonard Competition Model 🟢
- Lanchester’s Laws
- Simultaneous-Fire Battle Model
- Leslie Age-Structured Model 🟢
- von Foerster Equation 🟢
- Population Balance Equation 🟢
Disease Spread
- Compartmental Models in Epidemiology 🟢
- What Is the Basic Reproduction Number in Epidemic Models? 🟢
- SIR Model: The Most Basic Epidemic Model 🟢
- SIS Model: Reinfection and Chronic Diseases 🟢
- SEIR Model: Incubation and Latency 🟢
- SIRV Model: Vaccination and Breakthrough Infections 🟢
- SIRD Model: Deaths and Fatality Rates 🟢
- STD Model: Disease Transmission Between Two Groups 🟢
- Cross-Species Transmission Model: Disease Spread Among Three Groups 🟢
- AIDS Transmission Model 🟢
- Coupled Dynamical Systems
- Metapopulation Models 🟢
- Eulerian Movement Model 🟢
- Lagrangian Movement Model 🟢
- Slow–Fast Systems
Nonsmooth Systems
- Nonsmooth Systems
- DC–DC Buck Converter ⚫
- Atopic Dermatitis System 🟢
- Impact Oscillator ⚫
- Memristor Hindmarsh–Rose Neuron Model ⚫🟢
- 🔒(25/03/23) Lozi Map ⚫
Cellular Automata
Agent-Based Simulation
- First Steps in Agent-Based Simulation: Visualizing with a Scatter Plot
- Reproduction in Agent-Based Model Simulation
- Mortality in Agent-Based Model Simulation
Lattice Model Simulation
- First Steps in Lattice Model Simulation: Visualizing with a Heatmap
- Diffusion in Lattice Model Simulation
Major References
- Allen. (2006). An Introduction to Mathematical Biology
- Ottar N. Bjørnstad. (2018). Epidemics Models and Data using R
- Capasso. (1993). Mathematical Structures of Epidemic Systems
- Guckenheimer. (1983). Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields
- Kuznetsov. (1998). Elements of Applied Bifurcation Theory(2nd Edition)
- Strogatz. (2015). Nonlinear Dynamics And Chaos: With Applications To Physics, Biology, Chemistry, And Engineering(2nd Edition)
- Yorke. (1996). CHAOS: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems
- Wiggins. (2003). Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos Second Edition(2nd Edition)
Yorke. (1996). CHAOS: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems: p2. ↩︎
All posts
- Representing Dynamical Systems and Fixed Points with Maps
- Lorenz Attractor
- Identification of Sinks and Sources in One-Dimensional Maps
- Map System's Orbit
- Lyapunov Exponents of One-Dimensional Maps
- Chaos in One-Dimensional Maps
- Proof of the Lee-Yang Theorem
- Sharkovsky's Theorem
- Logistic Family
- Conjugate Maps in Chaos Theory
- Schwarzschild Derivative
- Bifurcation Diagram
- Natural Invariant Measure
- Chaotic Transition
- Multidimensional Linear Maps
- Multidimensional Nonlinear Maps
- Lyapunov Numbers and Their Numerical Calculation Methods for Multidimensional Maps
- Multidimensional Map Chaos
- Attractors in Chaos
- Dynamical Systems Described by Differential Equations and Equilibrium Points
- Autonomous Systems: Flow and Time-T Maps
- Autonomous Systems: Orbits and Limit Cycles
- Linearization of Nonlinear Systems
- Lyapunov Stability and Orbit Stability
- The Van der Pol Oscillator
- Classification of Fixed Points in Autonomous Systems
- Lyapunov Function
- Invariant Sets in Dynamics
- Stability of Invariant Manifolds
- Bendixson's Criterion
- Absence of Periodic Orbits in Two-Dimensional Autonomous Systems
- Proof of Poincaré bendixson Theorem
- Conservation Quantities of Autonomous Systems
- Proof of Liouville's Theorem in Dynamics
- Poincaré Recurrence Theorem Proof
- Omega Limit Sets of Autonomous Systems
- Attractors in Dynamical Systems
- Attracting Set's Basin
- Proof of the LaSalle Invariance Principle
- Malthus Growth Model: Ideal Population Growth
- Dynamical Model Simulation
- First Steps in Agent-Based Simulation: Representing with Scatter Plots
- Agent-based Model Simulation of Reproduction
- Agent-based Model Simulation of Mortality
- Logistic Growth Model: The Limits of Population Growth
- First Steps in Lattice Model Simulation: Representing with Heatmaps
- Diffusion in Lattice Model Simulations
- Allee Effect in Mathematical Biology
- Gompertz Growth Model: Time-dependent Growth Deceleration
- Bass Diffusion Model: Innovation and Imitation
- Lotka-Volterra Predator-Prey Model
- Lotka-Volterra Competition Model
- May-Leonard Competition Model
- Lanchester's laws
- Simultaneous Firing Combat Model
- Dynamics Compartment Model
- What is the Basic Reproduction Number in Epidemic Spread Models?
- SIR Model: The Most Basic Diffusion Model
- SIS Model: Reinfection and Chronic Disease
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases Model: Disease Transmission between Two Populations
- Inter-Species Transmission Model: Disease Spread among Three Populations
- Poincaré Map
- AIDS Transmission Model
- Law of Mass Action in Mathematics
- Rigorous Definition of Dynamical Systems
- Orbits and Phase Portraits in Dynamics
- Topological Equivalence between Dynamical Systems
- Coupled Dynamic Systems
- Leslie age structure Model
- SEIR Model: Latent Period and Incubation Period
- SIRV Model: Vaccines and Breakthrough Infections
- SIRD Model: Death and Fatality Rate
- Metapopulation Model
- Euler's Motion Model
- Lagrangian Motion Model
- 폰 푀르스터 방정식
- Population Balance Equation
- Rössler Attractor
- Smooth Systems in Each Segment of Dynamics
- Definition of Differential Inclusion
- Non-Smooth Systems in Dynamics
- Slow-Fast Systems
- DC-DC Buck Converter as a Dynamical System
- Dynamics in Atopic dermatitis Systems
- Bifurcation in Dynamics
- Normal Form of Vector Field in Dynamics
- Vibro-impact Model as a Dynamical System
- Pitchfork Bifurcation
- Transcritical Bifurcation
- Saddle-Node Bifurcation
- Hysteresis Phenomena in Dynamics
- Tipping Points in Dynamics
- Nullclines in Mathematical Analysis
- Homoclinic Orbit and Heteroclinic Orbit
- 호모클리닉 바이퍼케이션
- Heteroclinic Bifurcation
- Infinite Period Bifurcation
- Hopf Bifurcation
- Hyperbolicity of Fixed Point in Dynamics
- Hyperbolicity of Limit Cycles in Dynamics
- Period Doubling Bifurcation
- Neimark-Sacker Bifurcation
- Feigenbaum Universality
- Double Pendulum as a Dynamical System
- Memristive Hindmarsh-Rose Neuron Model as a Dynamical System
- Variational Equations
- Definition of Lyapunov Spectrum
- Lyapunov Spectrum of Linear Systems
- Systems Represented by Differential Equations and Their Lyapunov Spectrum with Numerical Calculation Methods
- Holling type functional response
- Food Chain System in Dynamics
- A trajectory without a fixed point has at least one zero Lyapunov exponent.
- Strange Nonchaotic Attractor (SNA)
- Hénon Map
- Chaos in Systems Described by Differential Equations
- Sensitivity to Initial Conditions
- Self-Similar Set
- Hausdorff Dimension
- von Koch Curve
- Similarity Dimension
- What is a Fractal in Dynamics?
- Box-Counting Dimension
- Correlation Dimension
- Riddled Basin
- Ikeda Map
- The Mandelbrot Set and the Julia Set
- Quasiperiodic Orbit
- Strange Attractor