
Types of States in Stochastic Processes 📂Probability Theory

Types of States in Stochastic Processes


State space is a countable set of stochastic processes {Xt}\left\{ X_{t} \right\}. Let i,ji,j be the states and let pijp_{ij} be the transition probabilities.

  1. If there exists pij(n)>0p_{ij}^{ ( n ) } > 0 that satisfies n0n \ge 0, then jj is said to be accessible from ii.
  2. If ii and jj are mutually accessible, they are said to communicate.
  3. The largest set of states that communicate with each other is called a class. If two states communicate, they belong to the same class.
  4. d=gcd{n>0pii(n)>0}d = \gcd \left\{ n > 0 \mid p_{ii}^{(n)} > 0 \right\} is called the period and state ii is said to be dd-periodic. If d=1d=1, state ii is said to be aperiodic.

In a Markov chain, the probability of returning to ii after leaving it is fif_{i}, and the number of steps taken is τi\tau_{i} recurrent time. fi(τi)=P(X1i,X2i,,Xn1i,Xn=iX0=i) f_{i}(\tau_{i}) = P(X_{1} \ne i, X_{2} \ne i, \dots, X_{n-1}\ne i, X_{n} = i | X_{0} = i)

  1. If a Markov chain has only one class, it is said to be irreducible. In other words, for all states i,ji,j, there exists m0m \ge 0 that satisfies pij(m)>0p_{ij}^{ (m) } >0.
  2. If fi=1f_{i} = 1, then ii is recurrent or persistent. pii(n)=1 for some n1. p_{ii}^{(n)} = 1 \text{ for some n1n \ge 1.} If not recurrent, it is called transient.
  3. If E(τi)<E ( \tau_{i} ) < \infty, state ii is said to be positive recurrent. If E(τi)=E(\tau_{i}) = \infty, it is called null. Here, EE is the expected value. E(τi)=nnfi(n) E(\tau_{i}) = \sum_{n} n f_{i}(n)
  4. A state that is both positive recurrent and aperiodic is called ergodic.


  • [1] If n=1pii(n)=\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} p_{ii}^{(n)} = \infty, then ii is recurrent.
  • [2] If n=1pii(n)<\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} p_{ii}^{(n)} < \infty, then ii is transient.


Consider the following example of a Markov chain. Circles represent states and numbers on arrows represent transition probabilities.


  • Accessible: No matter how many steps it takes, CC can be reached from AA and BB, so CC is accessible from AA and BB, but AA and BB are not accessible from CC.
  • AA and BB are mutually accessible and therefore communicate, but CC does not communicate with any state.
  • {A,B}\left\{ A, B \right\} is a class. Also, {C}\left\{ C \right\} is a class. However, {A}\left\{ A \right\} is not the largest set of communicating states and thus cannot be a class. {A,B,C}\left\{ A, B, C \right\} is not a class because CC does not communicate with any other state.
  • Periodic: Considering BB as an example, it can go to AA with probability pBA=12\displaystyle p_{BA} = {{1} \over {2}} and return to BB immediately with probability pAB=1\displaystyle p_{AB} = 1, making its period gcd{2,4,6,}=2\gcd \left\{ 2, 4, 6, \cdots \right\} = 2. AA and CC are aperiodic because they can return to themselves in one step.
  • CC is aperiodic and positive recurrent since it inevitably returns to itself in a single step. Thus, it is ergodic. However, once AA and BB go to CC, they can never return, demonstrating they cannot be positive recurrent despite being aperiodic. This provides further insight into the meaning of ’ergodic'.


In fact, the more common pronunciation is closer to [ergɒdik].

Ergodicity means the property of a system maintaining its initial state over time. For state CC, it remains the same no matter how many steps are taken, whereas AA and BB do not guarantee this. Thus, it is understandable that they cannot be described as ergodic.

As another example, consider the following random walk. The state space is the set of integers {,2,1,0,1,2,}\left\{ \cdots , -2 , -1, 0 , 1 , 2 , \cdots \right\}, and the probability of moving left is pp, and the probability of moving right is (1p)(1-p).


  • Irreducible: Since all states communicate with each other, there is only one class, making it irreducible.
  • Recurrent: fi=1f_{i} = 1 implies that even if state ii is left, it will eventually return with infinite repetition, meaning it is recurrent. If p=12\displaystyle p={{1} \over {2}}, the probability of returning to ii does not converge to 00, making it recurrent. However, for other cases, the probability of returning decreases, making it transient.
  • Even if the random walk is recurrent, there is no guarantee it will return within a finite number of repetitions. Thus, E(τi)=E ( \tau_{i} ) = \infty, making it impossible for the random walk to be positive recurrent. It is sufficient to understand ‘positive’ here as meaning that the expected value is not infinite. It signifies a ‘positive’ recurrent property rather than a numerical positivity.