
Comparing Elements of Two Arrays in R 📂R

Comparing Elements of Two Arrays in R


R is frequently used in fields more interested in the content of data rather than its form or structure, thus comparing this aspect is also useful.


20190109\_120126.png (It’s not important at all, but in the examples, A represents triangular numbers n(n+1)2\displaystyle {{n(n+1)} \over {2}} and B represents square numbers m2m^2.)

Using the binary operator %in% to compare two arrays returns true for elements of A that are also in B, and false otherwise. This can also be used to search for letters or words by splitting a string with the strsplit() function and its applications.


Intersection and Symmetric Difference


The intersect() function and setdiff() function calculate the ABA \cap B and AB=(AB)(AB)A \triangle B = ( A \cup B ) \setminus ( A \cap B ), respectively. (Again, it’s not important at all, but 11 and 3636 can be recognized as numbers that are both triangular and square.)


A<-((1:14)*(2:15))/2; A
B<-(1:10)^2; B
A %in% B
c("은") %in% strsplit("달변은 은이요 침묵은 금이다","")[[1]]