
The Entropy of the Universe Does Not Decrease 📂Thermal Physics

The Entropy of the Universe Does Not Decrease


The entropy of the universe does not decrease.


The first thing that comes to mind upon seeing the statement above is ‘wow, that’s cool’. However, the truly cool people are those who can understand this equationally, and let’s strive to be one of those people.


This universe is unique, and thus it requires the assumption that there is no ‘outside’ of this universe.


Consider the cycles as shown above; ABA \to B being irreversible, and BAB \to A being reversible. These processes include irreversible processes, so overall, it is an irreversible process.

Clausius Theorem

The following holds for a cyclic process:

δQT0 \oint {{\delta Q} \over {T}} \le 0

According to the Clausius theorem, the following holds.

δQT=ABδQT+BAδQrevT0 \oint {{\delta Q} \over {T}} = \int_{A}^{B} { { \delta Q } \over { T }} + \int_{B}^{A} { {{ \delta Q_{\text{rev} } } \over { T }} } \le 0

Summing up the top and bottom ends, we get the following.

ABδQTABδQrevT \int_{A}^{B} { { \delta Q } \over { T }} \le \int_{A}^{B} { {{ \delta Q_{\text{rev} } } \over { T }} }

Definition of Entropy

The following equation defines entropy:

dS=δQrevT dS = {{ \delta Q_{\text{rev} } } \over { T }}

By the definition of entropy, we obtain the following.

ABδQTdS \int_{A}^{B} { { \delta Q } \over { T }} \le d S

If the universe is unique and there’s nothing beyond it, it would not be able to exchange thermal energy with the outside. Therefore, looking at the universe as a whole system, all processes must be adiabatic, and equationally, this must be δQ=0\delta Q = 0. Summarizing, this leads to dS0dS \ge 0, therefore, the entropy of the universe cannot decrease.