
group Actions 📂Abstract Algebra

group Actions

Definition 1

An action of a group GG with identity element ee on a set XX is a binary operation :G×XX\ast : G \times X \to X that satisfies the following two conditions:

  • (i): For all xXx \in X, there is ex=xex = x
  • (ii): For all xXx \in X and g1,g2Gg_{1} , g_{2} \in G, there is (g1g2)(x)=g1(g2x)( g_{1} g_{2} ) (x) = g_{1} (g_{2} x)

We refer to XX as a GG-set under these circumstances.


In simple terms, the action of a group is ‘adding gGg \in G to xXx \in X’. To intuitively understand this, consider the following illustration:


X:={C,1,2,3,4,p1,p2,p3,p4,s1,s2,s3,s4,d1,d2,m1,m2} X : = \left\{ C, 1,2,3,4 , p_{1}, p_{2} , p_{3} , p_{4} , s_{1}, s_{2} , s_{3} , s_{4} , d_{1}, d_{2} , m_{1} , m_{2} \right\} Regarding the set XX, consider the tetrahedral group D4D_{4}. The set of lines and points that can be thought of in a square, XX, can change its position through flipping and rotating by D4D_{4}, making it a D4D_{4}-set. Calling such manipulations that induce changes in XX an action is very reasonable and justifiable.

Note that XX doesn’t necessarily have to be a group nor related to GG. For instance, considering Z\mathbb{Z} and X:={,32,12,12,32,} X:= \left\{ \cdots , - {{3} \over {2}} , - {{1} \over {2}}, {{1} \over {2}} , {{3} \over {2}} , \cdots \right\} <X,+>\left< X , + \right> doesn’t form a group and is not yet related to G=ZG = \mathbb{Z}. However, if :Z×XX\ast : \mathbb{Z} \times X \to X is defined as zx=z+x z * x = z + x for zZz \in \mathbb{Z} and xXx \in X, then

  • (i): 0+x=x0 + x = x holds,
  • (ii): (z1+z2)+x=z1+(z2+x)(z_{1} + z_{2}) + x = z_{1} + (z_{2} + x) holds, hence the operation \ast becomes an action on XX, making XX a Z\mathbb{Z}-set.

  1. Fraleigh. (2003). A first course in abstract algebra(7th Edition): p154. ↩︎