In English: Various Mappings in Abstract Algebra
Let’s talk about a group and refer to it as .
- If , then we call a Homomorphism.
- If a homomorphism is injective, then we call a Monomorphism and denote it .
- If a homomorphism is surjective, then we call an Epimorphism and denote it .
- If a homomorphism is bijective, then we call an Isomorphism and denote it .
- For a homomorphism , if then we call an Endomorphism.
- For an isomorphism , if then we call an Automorphism.
Although you might get overwhelmed by these sudden definitions, you’ll get used to them soon. Don’t be intimidated and face them confidently.
Monomorphisms and epimorphisms are arbitrarily termed, and in Japanese mathematics, they simply use モノ射 and エピ射 respectively. Outside of abstract algebra, these terms are basically used as injective and surjective functions, but in abstract algebra, they usually include homomorphisms.
The isomorphism is immediately useful for its properties, although the conditions required for it are a drawback. It would be better if those conditions could be reduced, meaning if it were enough to just have a monomorphism or an epimorphism.