
Diagonalizable Linear Transformation 📂Linear Algebra

Diagonalizable Linear Transformation

Definition 1

Let VV be called a finite-dimensional vector space. Let T:VVT : V \to V be called a linear transformation. If there exists an ordered basis β\beta for which the matrix representation [T]β\begin{bmatrix} T \end{bmatrix}_{\beta} of TT becomes a diagonal matrix, TT is said to be diagonalizable.

For a square matrix AA, if the LAL_{A} is diagonalizable, then the matrix AA is said to be diagonalizable.


Suppose the linear transformation T:VVT : V \to V is diagonalizable. Let β={v1,,vn}\beta = \left\{ v_{1}, \dots, v_{n} \right\} be an ordered basis of VV. And let D=[T]βD = \begin{bmatrix} T \end{bmatrix}_{\beta} be a diagonal matrix. Then, for each vjβv_{j} \in \beta, we obtain the following.

T(vj)=iDijvi=Djjvj T(v_{j}) = \sum_{i} D_{ij} v_{i} = D_{jj}v_{j}

If it is said that λj=Djj\lambda_{j} = D_{jj},

T(vj)=λjvj T(v_{j}) = \lambda_{j} v_{j}

The elements of the ordered basis that make [T]β\begin{bmatrix} T \end{bmatrix}_{\beta} a diagonal matrix satisfy such a special form of equation. Therefore, the vectors represented by such an ordered basis β\beta simply involve multiplying each component by the scalar λj\lambda_{j}, which is the same as applying the linear transformation TT. These special vectors vjv_{j} and scalars λj\lambda_{j} are called eigenvectors and eigenvalues, respectively. Thus, if we relate the condition of being diagonalizable to eigenvalues,

Existence of nn linearly independent eigenvectors = Existence of a basis of eigenvectors     \iff diagonalizable

  1. Stephen H. Friedberg, Linear Algebra (4th Edition, 2002), p245-246 ↩︎