Introducing the Runge-Kutta method, an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) solver. A separate article is published for a detailed explanation of the commonly used 4th Order Runge-Kutta method RK4.
Consider the following ordinary differential equation. y is a function of t, and ′ means the derivative with respect to t.
Integrating this from tn to tn+1=tn+h (to avoid confusion let’s use τ instead of t as the integration variable),
Rearranging the left side and replacing it with τ≡tn+hτ, we obtain the following equation:
Now, by approximating the latter integral as a sum, we obtain the following equation:
This is an approximation where, knowing yn=y(tn), we can know yn+1=y(tn+1). Of course, since the right side includes an unknown value y(tn+cjh), this must also be approximated. Since the formula is complex, let’s denote j=1,2,…,ν as follows:
First, let’s set it as c1=0. Then ξ1=yn is known. Now, let’s approximate ξj sequentially as follows by applying the multistep method.
Now, we have obtained all values on the right side of (1), yn, f(tn,ξ1), f(tn+c2h,ξ2), …, f(tn+cj−1h,ξj−1). The Explicit Runge-Kutta method is a method to approximate the value of yn+1 as a linear combination of yn, f(tn,ξ1), f(tn+c2h,ξ2), …, f(tn+cj−1h,ξj−1).
The explicit Runge-Kutta method is a method that approximates yn+1 for a given yn as follows.
Following the above method, ξj can be calculated sequentially from ξ1 to ξν. Consequently, (2) can be calculated, and yn+1 is obtained. By repeating this, values of y for the next step, yn+2, yn+3, … can be determined.
In the RK method, the coefficients aj,i, bj, cj are not solved for, but chosen to use. The coefficients are represented as in cAbt, which is called the RK tableaux. The RK table of the commonly used RK4 is as follows.