Basis Addition/Subtraction Theorem
📂Linear AlgebraBasis Addition/Subtraction Theorem
Let S be a non-empty subset of vector space V.
(a) If S is linearly independent and if v∈V equals v∈/span(S), then S∪{v} remains linearly independent.
(b) If v∈S can be represented as a linear combination of other vectors in S, then S and S∖{v} span the same space. That is, the following holds:
Assume that S={v1,v2,…,vr}⊂V is linearly independent and that v∈/span(S). To show that S∪{v} is linearly independent, it suffices to demonstrate that the only solution to the following equation
is k1=k2=kr=k=0.
However, if k=0, then kv=−i=1∑rkivi∈span(S) holds. Therefore, k=0 must be true, leading to the following equation:
Given the assumption that S is linearly independent, the only solution to this equation is k1=k2=kr=0. Thus, the only solution for (1) is k1=k2=kr=k=0, proving that S∪{v} is linearly independent.
Assuming S={v1,v2,…,vr}⊂V and that vr can be expressed as a linear combination of other vectors as follows:
Now, let w∈span(S). According to the definition of spanning, w can be expressed as:
Substituting (2) into the equation above results in:
Therefore, w∈span(S∖{v}) is true. The converse is also true by the same logic, hence the two sets are identical.