Linear Transformation
A transformation is when a function maps from one vector space to another, that is , are both vector spaces, we call a transformation.
If the transformation is a linear function, satisfying the following two conditions for any and scalar , it is called a linear transformation:
Specifically, if , then is called a linear functional.
Functions, mappings, transformations are essentially synonymous. However, in contexts involving vector spaces like linear algebra or functional analysis, the term transformation is primarily used, abbreviated as .
Linear transformations from finite dimensions to finite dimensions are often treated like matrix multiplication, depicted as follows:
A linear transformation that satisfies on is sometimes called a linear operator on . However, it doesn’t always have to be that the domain and codomain are identical to be called an operator. For practical reasons, several textbooks define as a linear operator.
The set of all linear transformations from vector space to is denoted as follows: 2.
Matrix transformation is a type of linear transformation.
Identity Transformation
A linear transformation satisfies
for all is called an identity transformation. Specifically, it might be denoted as .
Zero Transformation
A linear transformation satisfies
for all is called a zero transformation. Here, is the zero vector in . Also denoted as , , it is essentially a zero function.
If is a linear transformation, then the following hold:
(b) For all ,
By the property of vector spaces, since ,
Similarly, due to the property of vector spaces that ,