Commutation Relations of the Angular Momentum Operator
📂Quantum MechanicsCommutation Relations of the Angular Momentum Operator
The commutation relation of the angular momentum operators is as follows.
Here, ϵjkℓ is the Levi-Civita symbol. When written out in full,
Additionally, L2=Lx2+Ly2+Lz2 commutes with each component.
x and px are, respectively, position operators and momentum operators.
Since the subscripts are cyclic, it suffices to compute for [Lx, Ly].
Properties of Commutators](../297)
From the properties of commutators, we obtain the following.
Here, different components of position and momentum operators commute.
Additionally, the commutator of identical operators is also 0. Consequently, when (1) is expanded, only three terms of [x,px], [y,py], [z,pz] have a value different from 0. Therefore, we need to consider only the terms that are not 0. When the first term is expanded, all terms except for y[pz,z]px are 0. When the second term is expanded, all terms are 0. When the third term is expanded, all terms are 0. When the fourth term is expanded, all terms except for x[z,pz]py are 0. (If you don’t understand, try expanding it yourself.) Hence, we obtain the following.
Using the position-momentum commutator [x,px]=iℏ, the calculation proceeds as follows.
By the same logic, we obtain the following.
Using the properties of commutators and (1), since [Lz,Lz]=0, we obtain the following.
Similarly, the following equation holds.