Poker-Plank Equation Derivation
📂Stochastic Differential EquationsPoker-Plank Equation Derivation
Given a stochastic differential equation as above, and let F∈C0∞(R). Then, at time point t, the probability density function p(t,x) of Xt follows the next partial differential equation.
Note that what is described in the equation is not Xt itself, but its probability distribution.
Especially if f=0, it is a heat equation.
For convenience, allow the notation above, and let’s use the following widely used partial differential notation.
Part 1.
- Itô’s lemma:
- [6] Expected value of Itô integral:
According to Itô’s lemma, calculating dF(X) results in an integral, namely the expected value of Itô integral (⋆),
Part 2. The emergence of p(t,x)
Meanwhile, the expected value of F(X) can be represented as ∫Rp(t,x)F(x)dx regarding the probability density function p(t,x) of Xt at time point t,
Now, let’s calculate the right side one by one through integration by parts.
Part 3. Integration by Parts
p(t,±∞)=0. The first term ∫−∞∞p(t,x)fFxdx is
According to the assumption that F∈C0∞(R), F(±∞)=0. The second term, ∫−∞∞p(t,x)21g2Fxxdx, is obtained by doing integration by parts twice,
Part 4.
If we push the first row to the left side and the last row to the left side, we obtain the following.
Since the integrated above holds for all F∈C0∞(R), the inside of the brackets becomes 0, resulting in the desired partial differential equation.
See Also