Location Family
📂Mathematical StatisticsLocation Family
For a given cumulative distribution function F, suppose Fθ satisfies Fθ(x)=F(x−θ) for all x.
{Fθ:θ∈R} is referred to as a Location Family.
Considering a random sample X1,⋯,Xn with parameter θ that possesses a cumulative distribution function F0(x)=F(x−0)=F(x), the sample Z1,⋯,Zn can be expressed as
The length of the range as a statistical measure, R=Xn−X(1), should indeed be constant regardless of θ. This is because θ merely increases or decreases the magnitude of values, not affecting their dispersion. In fact, the joint cumulative distribution function of R is
In other words, R acts as an auxiliary statistic for θ.
See Also