Given that the Ito process is a solution to the autonomous stochastic differential equation described above. For equally spaced intervals of h, the calculation expressed for the equally spaced points {ti≤T:ti+1=ti+h}i=0N is a numerical solution to the given differential equation.
Here, Z is a random variable following the standard normal distribution.
This solution converges strongly to the γ=1th order, and weakly to the β=1th order.
Milstein 2nd-order Approximation Scheme is a method that improves accuracy by incorporating a 2nd-order correction term into the Euler-Maruyama scheme. The formula might look complex due to the many indices, but it can be neatly written as the following by omitting some parts.
For convenience, let’s designate it as above. Since f and g are independent of time t, it follows that df/dt=dg/dt=0, and if we set it as f′(x), it represents the derivative of f with respect to x.
Ito’s Formula: Assume that the Ito process{Xt}t≥0 is given.
If we set a function V(t,Xt)=V∈C2([0,∞)×R) such that Yt:=V(t,Xt), then {Yt} is also an Ito process, and the following holds.
Let’s calculate dft using the Ito formula from the given Ito process. If we set it as V=f, according to the Ito formula
it follows. Similarly, if we define V=g and calculate dgt,
it follows. If we convert it to the integral form from t to s,
it follows. If we substitute this into the integral form of the Ito process
we obtain the following.
Ito’s Multiplication Table: The product of dt and dWt is as follows.
The part marked in red according to the Ito’s multiplication table is all 0. As a result, only the term treating ft and gt as constants and the double integral of the integrand dWudWs remain and can be written as follows.
The last term ∫tt+h∫tsgugu’dWudWs is approximately calculated as follows for a random variable Z∼N(0,1) following the standard normal distribution, according to the corollary of Ito’s formula∫abWsdWs=21[Wb2−Wa2]−21(b−a)
and the normality of the increments of the Wiener process, i.e.,
Thus, the following is derived.
Panik. (2017). Stochastic Differential Equations: An Introduction with Applications in Population Dynamics Modeling: p197, 218~219. ↩︎