The Relationship between Derivatives and the Increasing/Decreasing of Functions
📂AnalysisThe Relationship between Derivatives and the Increasing/Decreasing of Functions
Let the function f be differentiable at (a,b).
If for all x∈(a,b), f′(x)≥0 holds, then f is monotonically increasing.
If for all x∈(a,b), f′(x)=0 holds, then f is a constant function.
If for all x∈(a,b), f′(x)≤0 holds, then f is monotonically decreasing.
From the Mean Value Theorem, it follows that for all x1,x2∈(a,b) and x∈(x1,x2) the following holds.
Since x2−x1>0, if f′(x)≥0, then f(x2)−f(x1)≥0, which means that f is a monotonically increasing function.
The same applies to the other cases.