Center of Mass and Linear Momentum of a Particle System
A system of particles is referred to as a particle system.
Description 1
When the position vectors of particles with masses , , , and are , , , and , respectively, the center of mass of this particle system is defined as follows.
Here, denotes the total mass of the particle system. The subscript stands for “center of mass”. Thus, the velocity of the center of mass is naturally defined as follows.
In a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, if , then the mass center for each coordinate is as follows.
The linear momentum of this particle system is naturally defined as the sum of the momentum of each particle.
Then, it can be understood that, according to , the linear momentum of the particle system can be expressed as the product of the total mass of the particle system and the velocity of its mass center.
Now, let’s assume the forces acting on each of these particles from an external source are , , , and . Also, let’s define the force experienced by particle due to particle as . Then, the equation of motion for particle is as follows.
Therefore, summing up all the forces on the entire particle system yields the following.
Here, a particle does not exert any force on itself, so equals zero. Also, in the second term of the equation, and represent the forces exerted by particle on particle and by particle on particle , respectively. According to the law of action and reaction, since their magnitudes are the same but their directions are opposite, when added together, they equal . Thus, the second term is . Therefore, the overall equation of motion for the particle system is as follows.
In other words, the acceleration of the center of mass in a particle system is the same as the acceleration of a single particle with the total mass of the system when subjected to the total external force acting on the system.
Grant R. Fowles and George L. Cassiday, Analytical Mechanics (7th Edition, 2005), p275-277 ↩︎