
Generating Topology from a Basis 📂Topology

Generating Topology from a Basis



For a set XX, a collection T\mathscr{T} of subsets of XX that satisfies the following three conditions is called the topology on set XX.

  • (T1)(T1) ,XT\varnothing, X \in \mathscr{T}
  • If (T2)(T2) UαT(αΛ)U_{\alpha} \in \mathscr{T} (\alpha \in \Lambda), then αΛUαT\bigcup_{\alpha \in \Lambda} U_{\alpha} \in \mathscr{T}.
  • If (T3)(T3) U1,,UnTU_{1},\cdots,U_{n} \in \mathscr{T}, then i=1nUiT\bigcap_{i=1}^{n}U_{i} \in \mathscr{T}.

In simple terms, a collection of subsets that contains the empty set and the whole set and is closed under union and countable intersection is called a topology.


For a set XX, a collection B\mathscr{B} of subsets of XX that satisfies the following two conditions is called the basis of the topology on XX. To avoid confusion with the basis in linear algebra, it is usually simply referred to as the basis of set XX.

  • (B1)(B1) For every point xXx\in X, there exists a BBB\in \mathscr{B} that satisfies xBx\in B. In other words, BBB=X\bigcup_{B\in \mathscr{B}}B=X holds.
  • (B2)(B2) For any B1,B2BB_{1}, B_2 \in \mathscr{B} and a point x(B1B2)x \in (B_{1}\cap B_{2}), there exists a B3BB_{3} \in \mathscr{B} that satisfies xB3(B1B2)x\in B_{3} \subset (B_{1}\cap B_{2}).


Let B\mathscr{B} be called the basis of set XX. A collection TB\mathscr{T}_\mathscr{B} of subsets UU of XX that satisfies the following condition is called the topology on XX generated by B\mathscr{B}. xU, BBs.t. xBU \forall x \in U,\ \exists B\in \mathscr{B}\quad \text{s.t.}\ x\in B \subset U In other words, TB={UX : xU, BBs.t. xBU} \mathscr{T}_\mathscr{B} =\left\{ U\subset X \ :\ \forall x \in U,\ \exists B\in \mathscr{B}\quad \text{s.t.}\ x\in B \subset U\right\}


  • (0)(0): TB\mathscr{T}_\mathscr{B} is a topology on XX.

Let B\mathscr{B} be said to be the basis of XX. Then, TB\mathscr{T}_\mathscr{B} has the following properties.

  • (a1)(a1): TB\mathscr{T}_{\mathscr{B}} is equivalent to the collection of unions of elements of B\mathscr{B}. TB={BBB : BB} \mathscr{T}_{\mathscr{B}}=\left\{ \bigcup_{B\in \mathscr{{B}}^{\ast}}B\ :\ \mathscr{B}^{\ast}\subset \mathscr{B} \right\}
  • (b1)(b1) TB\mathscr{T}_{\mathscr{B}} is the smallest topology on XX that includes B\mathscr{B}.

Given a topological space (X,T)(X, \mathscr{T}), the following two facts are equivalent about BT\mathscr{B} \subset \mathscr{T}.

  • (a2)(a2): B\mathscr{B} is the basis of T\mathscr{T}. In other words, T=TB\mathscr{T}=\mathscr{T}_{\mathscr{B}}.
  • (b2)(b2): For any open set UTU \in \mathscr{T} and point xUx \in U, there exists a BBB\in \mathscr{B} that satisfies xBUx \in B \subset U.


That B\mathscr{B} is the basis of the topological space (X,T)(X,\mathscr{T}) implies T=TB\mathscr{T}=\mathscr{T}_\mathscr{B}. It can be verified that TB\mathscr{T}_\mathscr{B} actually becomes the topology on XX.

Depending on the textbook, (a1)(a1) can be introduced as the definition of the basis B\mathscr{B}.

(a2)(a2) and (b2)(b2) deal with finding the basis from the given topology. On top of that, it covers how to generate a topology from the given basis, while below, it discusses how to find the basis that generates the topology when a topology is given.

This grounds for adopting the collection of open balls as the basis on Euclidean space Rn\mathbb{R}^n.




Because there does not exist a xx that satisfies xx\in \varnothing, it follows that TB\varnothing \in \mathscr{T}_\mathscr{B}. Since B\mathscr{B} is the basis of XX, by (B1)(B1), for any point xXx\in X, there exists a BBB \in \mathscr{B} that satisfies xBXx \in B \subset X. Therefore, XTBX \in \mathscr{T}_\mathscr{B}


Let UαTB (αΛ)U_\alpha \in \mathscr{T}_\mathscr{B}\ (\alpha \in \Lambda). For any point xαΛUαx \in \bigcup_{\alpha \in \Lambda} U_\alpha, there exists a α0Λ\alpha_{0} \in \Lambda such that xUα0x \in U_{\alpha_{0}}. Since Uα0TBU_{\alpha_{0}} \in \mathscr{T}_{\mathscr{B}}, by the-definition of TB\mathscr{T}_{\mathscr{B}}, there exists a BBB \in \mathscr{B} that satisfies xBUα0x \in B \subset U_{\alpha_{0}}. Therefore, xBUα0αΛUα x \in B \subset U_{\alpha_{0}} \subset \bigcup_{\alpha \in \Lambda}U_{\alpha} so αΛUαTB\bigcup_{\alpha \in \Lambda} U_{\alpha} \in \mathscr{T}_{\mathscr{B}}. Let (T3)(T3) U,VTBU,V \in \mathscr{T}_{\mathscr{B}}. For any point xUVx \in U \cap V, since xUx\in U and xVx \in V, by the-definition of TB\mathscr{T}_{\mathscr{B}}, xB1U,xB2V x \in B_{1}\subset U,\quad x\in B_{2}\subset V there exists a B1,B2BB_{1}, B_{2}\in \mathscr{B} that satisfies it. Also, since xB1B2x\in B_{1}\cap B_2, by (B2)(B2) xB3B1B2UV x \in B_{3} \subset B_{1}\cap B_2 \subset U\cap V there exists a B3BB_{3} \in \mathscr{B} that satisfies it. Therefore, by the definition of TB\mathscr{T}_\mathscr{B}, UVTBU \cap V \in \mathscr{T}_\mathscr{B} is true.


Let TB{BBB : BB} \mathscr{T}_{\mathscr{B}} \supset \left\{ \bigcup_{B\in \mathscr{{B}}^{\ast}}B\ :\ \mathscr{B}^{\ast}\subset \mathscr{B} \right\} B \mathscr{B} be any subset BB\mathscr{B}^{\ast} \subset \mathscr{B}. If we denote by U=BBBU=\bigcup_{B\in \mathscr{B}^{\ast}} B, then for any xUx \in U, there exists a xBxBx\in B_{x} \in \mathscr{B}^{\ast}. Thus, xBxUx \in B_{x} \subset U leads to UTBU \in \mathscr{T}_{\mathscr{B}}. If we denote by TB{BBB : BB} \mathscr{T}_{\mathscr{B}} \subset \left\{ \bigcup_{B\in \mathscr{{B}}^{\ast}}B\ :\ \mathscr{B}^{\ast}\subset \mathscr{B} \right\} UTB U \in \mathscr{T}_{\mathscr{B}}, then by the-definition of TB\mathscr{T}_{\mathscr{B}}, for any xUx \in U, there exists a BxBB_{x} \in \mathscr{B} that satisfies xBxUx \in B_{x} \subset U. Therefore, since UU can be expressed as the union of elements of B\mathscr{B} as U=xUBxU=\bigcup_{x\in U}B_{x}, it follows that U{BBB : BB}U \in \left\{ \bigcup_{B\in \mathscr{{B}}^{\ast}}B\ :\ \mathscr{B}^{\ast}\subset \mathscr{B} \right\}


First, show that TB\mathscr{T}_{\mathscr{B}} includes B\mathscr{B}. Let’s say BBB \in \mathscr{B}. Then, for xBx\in B, there exists a BBB \in \mathscr{B} that satisfies xBBx \in B \subset B, therefore BTBB \in \mathscr{T}_{\mathscr{B}}. Now, consider the topology T\mathscr{T} on set XX that includes B\mathscr{B}. If for BB\mathscr{B}^{\ast} \subset \mathscr{B}, BBT\mathscr{B}^{\ast} \subset \mathscr{B} \subset \mathscr{T} holds, by the-definition of topology (T1)(T1), BBB\bigcup_{B \in \mathscr{B}^{\ast}} B also belongs to T\mathscr{T}. Therefore, TBT\mathscr{T}_{\mathscr{B}} \subset \mathscr{T} follows. In other words, TB\mathscr{T}_{\mathscr{B}} is the smallest topology that includes B\mathscr{B}.

(a2)    (b2)(a2) \iff (b2)

(a2)    (b2)(a2) \implies (b2)

Follows by the-definition of TB\mathscr{T}_{B}.

(b2)    (a2)(b2) \implies (a2)

First, show that B\mathscr{B} becomes the basis of XX.

  • (B1)(B1) Since the whole set XX is also an open set, for any point xXx \in X, there exists a BBB \in \mathscr{B} that satisfies xBXx \in B \subset X.
  • (B2)(B2) For any B1,B2BB_{1}, B_2 \in \mathscr{B} and xB1B2x \in B_{1} \cap B_{2}, since BT\mathscr{B} \subset \mathscr{T}, B1,B2TB_{1}, B_{2} \in \mathscr{T} follows. By the-definition of topology (T2)(T2), B1B2TB_{1} \cap B_2 \in \mathscr{T} holds. Also, by (b2)(b2), there exists a B3BB_{3} \in \mathscr{B} that satisfies xB3B1B2x\in B_{3} \subset B_{1} \cap B_2, fulfilling the condition of the basis.

Now, show that the topology generated by B\mathscr{B} is the same as T\mathscr{T}. If we denote by UTU\in \mathscr{T}, then by (b2)(b2), for each point xUx \in U, there exists a BBB \in \mathscr{B} that satisfies xBUx \in B \subset U. Therefore, by the definition of TB\mathscr{T}_\mathscr{B}, TTB\mathscr{T} \subset \mathscr{T}_\mathscr{B} holds. Since (b1)(b1) implies that TB\mathscr{T}_\mathscr{B} is the smallest topology that includes B\mathscr{B} and since BT\mathscr{B} \subset \mathscr{T}, TBT\mathscr{T}_\mathscr{B} \subset \mathscr{T} is true. Thus, T=TB\mathscr{T}=\mathscr{T}_\mathscr{B} follows.