Let’s consider the initial value problem of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation that depends only on H as Du for the Hamilton-Jacobi equation.
{ut+H(Du)u=0=gin Rn×(0,∞)on Rn×{t=0}
Generally, the Hamiltonian depends on the spatial variables as in the form of H(Du,x), but let’s say here it is not affected by x. Also, let’s assume the following for the Hamiltonian H∈C∞.
Here, since H is assumed to be independent of x, it can be rewritten as follows.
At this time, it is t(s)=s,p(s)=Du(x(s),s),z(s)=u(x(s),s). Since there is no need to distinguish between the differentiation with respect to p and x, the subscript of D was omitted. Since the Euler-Lagrange equation holds for fixed start and end points, if there exists a solution to the given Hamilton-Jacobi equation (eq1), then it is a local in time solution as follows.
In the above characteristic equation, the first and third equations are Hamilton’s equations that satisfy the Euler-Lagrange equation from the minimization problem of action defined by Lagrangian L=H∗.
If H and L are differentiable at p and v∈Rn, then all the following contents are equivalent.
At this time, it is defined as p=DvL(v), so using the above lemma, we obtain the following.
However, at this time, since it was z(t)=u(x(t),t) in the above condition, we obtain the following.
This is a local in time smooth solution, so the question remains whether a global in time weak solution can be obtained. Returning to the minimization problem of action, the difference from when the Euler-Lagrange equation was derived is that only the endpoint is fixed.
Let’s say a fixed x∈Rn,t>0 is given. And let’s say the admissible classA is as follows.
And let’s consider the minimization problem of the following action.
If a minimizer x(⋅) exists, then it is p(s):=DL(x˙(s)), satisfies the Euler-Lagrange equation, and therefore also satisfies the Hamilton equation. Thus, as in the case of the local in time solution obtained earlier, the solution will be given as follows.
Based on the above content, if a global in time weak solution exists, it can be defined as follows.
Let’s say x∈Rn and t>0. Then, the solution to the minimization problem of (eq2) is given as follows.
This is called the Hopf-Lax formula.
First, we show that it holds for inf, and then actually show that it becomes min in order.
Step 1.
There exists an arbitrary fixed y∈Rn,t∈R. And let’s define w as follows.
Then w(0)=y and w(t)=x. Then w is an element of the admissible class A.
Then, by the definition of ~, the following inequality holds.
Since this inequality holds for all y∈Rn, we obtain the following.
Step 2.
Let’s say w(⋅)∈A. Then w(⋅)∈C1([0;t];Rn) and w(t)=x.
Multiply both sides by t and add g(y) to get the following.
Since the right-hand side’s inf is u(x,t), it is as follows.
Finally, taking y∈Rninf on both sides, we obtain the following.
Therefore, by Step 1. and Step 2., the following holds.
Step 3.
Let’s say {yk}k=1∞ is a minimizing sequence for (eq3). Then, the following holds.
First, assume {yk} is not bounded. We will show this assumption leads to a contradiction, proving that {yk} is bounded. By assumption, ∣yk∣→∞ and yk=0, k are at most finite. Therefore, let’s consider a subsequence that only satisfies yk=0 again as {yk}. The following holds.
Then, by the properties of the Lagrangian L, the following holds.
Therefore, L(tx−yl)→∞ and multiplying by a constant yields the same result.
Rewriting the Lipschitz condition of g is as follows.
Since ak→∞ and ∣x−yk∣→∞, the left side diverges to ∞ and the right side also diverges. Therefore, by the definition of u(x,t), u(x,t)→∞ is true. This is a contradiction to (eq4), so {yk} is bounded.
Since {yk} is bounded, let’s assume yk→y0. Then, the following holds.