
Solution of Nonlinear First Order PDE Using Characteristic Equations 📂Partial Differential Equations

Solution of Nonlinear First Order PDE Using Characteristic Equations


  • When emphasizing that x and p are variables of a partial differential equation, they are denoted in normal font as x,pRnx,p \in \mathbb{R}^{n}, and when emphasizing them as functions of ss, they are denoted in bold font as x,pRn\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{p} \in \mathbb{R}^{n}.

Characteristic Equations

{p˙(s)=DxF(p(s), z(s), x(s))DzF(p(s), z(s), x(s))p(s)z˙(s)=DpF(p(s), z(s), x(s))p(s)x˙(s)=DpF(p(s), z(s), x(s)) \begin{cases} \dot{\mathbf{p}} (s) = -D_{x}F\big(\mathbf{p}(s),\ z(s),\ \mathbf{x}(s) \big)-D_{z}F\big(\mathbf{p}(s),\ z(s),\ \mathbf{x}(s) \big)\mathbf{p}(s) \\ \dot{z}(s) = D_{p}F\big(\mathbf{p}(s),\ z(s),\ \mathbf{x}(s) \big) \cdot \mathbf{p}(s) \\ \dot{\mathbf{x}}(s) = D_{p}F\big(\mathbf{p}(s),\ z(s),\ \mathbf{x}(s) \big) \end{cases}

The solution of nonlinear first-order partial differential equations using characteristic equations varies slightly depending on how the differential equation is given. This is distinguished by the linearity of the given differential equation and differs for cases of linear, quasi-linear, and fully nonlinear. The stronger the nonlinearity, the more challenging it is.


Homogeneous Linear

If the given partial differential equation is completely linear, it can be solved most easily. The condition for p(s)\mathbf{p}(s) in the characteristic equation is so simple that it is unnecessary. Consider the following linear and homogeneous differential equation.

F(Du,u,x)=b(x)Du(x)+c(x)u(x)=0(xΩRn) \begin{equation} F(Du, u, x) = \mathbf{b}(x)\cdot Du(x)+c(x)u(x)=0 \quad (x\in \Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^{n}) \label{eq1} \end{equation}

Here, if we set the variables of FF as p,z,xp, z, x, it would be as follows.

F(p, z, x)=b(x)p+c(x)z=b1p1++bnpn+cz=0 \begin{equation} F(p,\ z,\ x)=\mathbf{b}(x)\cdot p +c(x)z=b_{1}p_{1}+\cdots +b_{n}p_{n}+cz = 0 \label{eq2} \end{equation}

If we calculate DpFD_{p}F, it would be as follows.

DpF=(Fp1,,Fpn)=(b1,,bn)=b(x) D_{p}F=(F_{p_{1}}, \dots, F_{p_{n}})=(b_{1}, \dots, b_{n})=\mathbf{b}(x)

Then, the characteristic equation is as follows.

x˙(s)=b(x)z˙(s)=b(x(s))p(s) \begin{align*} \dot{\mathbf{x}}(s) &= \mathbf{b}(x) \\ \dot{z}(s) &= \mathbf{b}(\mathbf{x}(s))\cdot \mathbf{p}(s) \end{align*}

By (2)(2), z˙(s)\dot{z}(s) is as follows.

z˙(s)=c(x(s))z \dot{z}(s) = -c(\mathbf{x}(s))z

Therefore, the characteristic equation for a homogeneous linear first-order partial differential equation is as follows.

{x˙(s)=b(x)z˙(s)=c(x(s))z \left\{ \begin{align*} \dot{\mathbf{x}}(s)&=\mathbf{b}(x) \\ \dot{z}(s) &= -c(\mathbf{x}(s))z \end{align*} \right.

Here, it can be seen through an example that the characteristic equation for p(s)\mathbf{p}(s) is not necessary to solve the problem.


Suppose the following differential equation is given.

{x1ux2x2ux1=uin Ωu=gon Γ \left\{ \begin{align*} x_{1} u_{x_{2}} - x_{2} u_{x_{1}} &= u && \text{in } \Omega \\ u&=g && \text{on } \Gamma \end{align*} \right.

  • Ω={x1>0, x2>0}\Omega=\left\{ x_{1}>0,\ x_{2}>0 \right\}
  • Γ={x1>0, x2=0}\Gamma=\left\{ x_{1}>0,\ x_{2}=0 \right\}

Then in (1)(1), b=(x2, x1),c=1\mathbf{b}=(-x_{2},\ x_{1}), c=-1. Thus, the characteristic equation is as follows.

{x˙1=x2x˙2=x1z˙=z \left\{ \begin{align*} \dot{x}^{1} &= -x^{2} \\ \dot{x}^{2} &=x^{1} \\ \dot{z}&=z \end{align*} \right.

Since this is a simple ordinary differential equation, it can be easily solved as follows.

{x1(s)=x0cossx2(s)=x0sinsz(s)=z0es=g(x0)es \left\{ \begin{align*} x^{1}(s) &=x^{0}\cos s \\ x^{2}(s)&=x^{0} \sin s \\ z(s)&=z^{0}e^s=g(x^{0})e^s \end{align*} \right.

Here, x0x^{0} is a constant set to pass through the x1x_{1}-axis (Γ)(\Gamma) when s=0s=0. Then, by the boundary condition z=u=g on Γz=u=g\ \mathrm{on}\ \Gamma, when s=0s=0, z(0)=z0=g(x0)z(0)=z^{0}=g(x^{0}). Now, fix the point (x1, x2)Ω(x_{1},\ x_{2}) \in \Omega.

(x1, x2)=(x1(s), x2(s))=(x0cos(s), x0sin(s)) (x_{1},\ x_{2})=(x^{1}(s),\ x^{2}(s)) = (x^{0} \cos (s),\ x^{0} \sin (s))

Then, for s>0,x0>0s>0, x^{0}>0, we obtain the following.

x12+x22=(x0)2cos2(s)+(x0)2sin2(s)=(x0)2    x0=(x12+x22)1/2x2x1=x0sin(s)x0cos(s)=tan(s)    s=arctan(x2x1) x_{1}^{2} + x_{2}^{2} = (x^{0})^{2}\cos^{2}(s) + (x^{0})^{2}\sin^{2}(s) = (x^{0})^{2} \implies x^{0}=({x_{1}}^{2}+{x_{2}}^{2})^{1/2} \\ \dfrac{x_{2}}{x_{1}} = \dfrac{x^{0}\sin (s)}{x^{0} \cos (s)} = \tan (s) \implies s=\arctan \left( \frac{x_{2}}{x_{1}} \right)

Therefore, the solution of the equation is as follows.

u(x)=u(x1(s), x2(s))=z(s)=g(x0)es=g((x12+x22)1/2)earctan(x2x1) \begin{align*} u(x)&=u(x^{1}(s),\ x^{2}(s)) \\ &= z(s) \\ &=g(x^{0})e^s \\ &= g(({x_{1}}^{2}+{x_{2}}^{2})^{1/2})e^{\arctan \left(\frac{x_{2}}{x_{1}}\right)} \end{align*}


The following describes cases where the given differential equation is linear with respect to the highest order of differentiation. As we are dealing with first-order differential equations, it refers to cases where they are linear with respect to first-order derivatives.

F(Du, u, x)=b(x, u(x))Du(x)+c(x, u(x))=0 F(Du,\ u,\ x)=\mathbf{b}(x,\ u(x))\cdot Du(x)+c(x,\ u(x))=0

Here, if we set the variables of FF as p,z,xp, z, x, it would be as follows.

F(p,z,x)=b(x,z)p+c(x,z)=b1p1++bnpn+c=0 \begin{equation} F(p, z, x)=\mathbf{b}(x, z)\cdot p + c(x, z)=b_{1}p_{1} + \cdots + b_{n} p_{n} +c=0 \label{eq3} \end{equation}

If we calculate DpFD_{p}F, it would be as follows.

DpF=(Fp1, , Fpn)=(b1, , bn)=b(x, z) D_{p}F=(F_{p_{1}},\ \cdots,\ F_{p_{n}})=(b_{1},\ \cdots,\ b_{n})=\mathbf{b}(x,\ z)

Then, the characteristic equation is as follows.

x˙(s)=b(x(s), z(s))z˙(s)=b(x(s), z(s))p(s)=c(x(s), z(s)) \begin{align*} \dot{\mathbf{x}}(s) &= \mathbf{b}(\mathbf{x}(s),\ z(s)) \\ \dot{z}(s) &= \mathbf{b}(\mathbf{x}(s),\ z(s))\mathbf{p}(s)=-c(\mathbf{x}(s),\ z(s)) \end{align*}

The second equality for z˙\dot{z} is valid due to (3)(3). Even in this case, the condition for p(s)\mathbf{p}(s) is not necessary to solve the problem.


Suppose the following differential equation is given.

{ux1+ux2=u2in Ωu=gon Γ \left\{ \begin{align*} u_{x_{1}} + u_{x_{2}} &= u^{2} && \text{in } \Omega \\ u&=g && \text{on } \Gamma \end{align*} \right.

  • Ω={x2>0}\Omega=\left\{ x_{2}>0 \right\}
  • Γ={x2=0}\Gamma=\left\{x_{2}=0 \right\}

Then in (3)(3), b=(1, 1)\mathbf{b}=(1,\ 1), c=z2c=-z^{2}. Thus, the characteristic equation is as follows.

{x˙1=1,x˙2=1z˙=z2 \left\{ \begin{align*} \dot{x}^{1} &=1, \dot{x}^{2}=1 \\ \dot{z} &= z^{2} \end{align*} \right.

Since these are simple ordinary differential equations, they can be solved as follows.

{x1(s)=x0+s,x2(s)=sz(s)=z01sz0=g(x0)1sg(x0) \left\{ \begin{align*} x^{1}(s) &= x^{0}+s, x^{2}(s)=s \\ z(s)&=\frac{z^{0}}{1-sz^{0}}=\frac{g(x^{0})}{1-sg(x^{0})} \end{align*} \right. x0x^{0} is a constant set to pass through the x2x_{2}-axis (Γ)(\Gamma) when s=0s=0. Now, fix the point (x1, x2)Ω(x_{1},\ x_{2}) \in \Omega.

(x1,x2)=(x1(s),x2(s))=(x0+s,s) (x_{1}, x_{2})=(x^{1}(s), x^{2}(s))=(x^{0}+s, s)

Then, for s>0,x0Rs>0, x^{0} \in \mathbb{R}, we obtain the following. s=x2,x0=x1x2 s=x_{2}, \quad x^{0}=x_{1}-x_{2}

Therefore, the solution of the equation is as follows.

u(x)=u(x1(s), x2(s))=z(s)=g(x0)1sg(x0)=g(x1x2)1x2g(x1x2) \begin{align*} u(x) &= u(x^{1}(s),\ x^{2}(s)) \\ &= z(s) \\ &= \frac{g(x^{0})}{1-sg(x^{0})} \\ &= \frac{g(x_{1}-x_{2})}{1-x_{2}g(x_{1}-x_{2})} \end{align*}

Of course, this is only valid when 1x2g(x1x2)01-x^{2}g(x_{1}-x_{2})\ne 0.

Fully Nonlinear

Suppose the following differential equation is given.

ux1ux2=uin Ωu=x22on Γ \begin{align*} u_{x_{1}}u_{x_{2}} &= u && \text{in } \Omega \\ u &= x_{2}^{2} && \text{on } \Gamma \end{align*}

  • Ω={x1>0}\Omega=\left\{ x_{1}>0 \right\}
  • Γ={x1=0}\Gamma=\left\{x_{1}=0 \right\}

If we set the variables of FF as P,z,xP, z, x, it would be as follows.

F(p,z,x)=p1p2z F(p, z, x)=p_{1}p_{2}-z

Thus, the characteristic equation is as follows.

p˙1=p1,p˙2=p2z˙=2p1p2x˙1=p2,x˙2=p1 \begin{align*} \dot{p}^{1} &= p^{1},\quad \dot{p}^{2}=p^{2} \\ \dot{z} &= 2p^{1}p^{2} \\ \dot{x}^{1} &= p^{2},\quad \dot{x}^{2}=p^{1} \end{align*}

First, if we solve the differential equation for pp, it would be as follows.

p1(s)=p10es,  p2(s)=p20es p^{1}(s)=p_{1}^{0}e^s,\ \ p^{2}(s)=p_{2}^{0}e^s

Here, p10=p(0)p_{1}^{0}=p(0), p20=p(0)p_{2}^{0}=p(0). Then, since z˙(s)=2p10p20e2s\dot{z}(s)=2p_{1}^{0}p_{2}^{0}e^{2s}, zz is as follows.

z(s)=p10p20e2s+C z(s)=p_{1}^{0}p_{2}^{0}e^{2s}+C

Since z(0)=z0=p10p20+Cz(0)=z^{0}=p_{1}^{0}p_{2}^{0}+C, C=z0p10p20C=z^{0}-p_{1}^{0}p_{2}^{0}. Therefore, it is as follows.

z(s)=z0+p10p20(e2s1) z(s)=z^{0}+p_{1}^{0}p_{2}^{0}(e^{2s}-1)

Similarly, if we calculate x1x^{1} and x2x^{2}, it would be as follows.

{p1(s)=p10esp2(s)=p20esz(s)=z0+p10p20(e2s1)x1(s)=p20(es1)x2(s)=x0+p10(es1) \begin{equation} \left\{ \begin{aligned} p^{1}(s) &= p_{1}^{0}e^s \\ p^{2}(s) &= p_{2}^{0}e^s \\ z(s) &= z^{0}+p_{1}^{0}p_{2}^{0}(e^{2s}-1) \\ x^{1}(s) &= p_{2}^{0}(e^s-1) \\ x^{2}(s) &= x^{0}+p_{1}^{0}(e^s-1) \end{aligned} \right. \label{eq4} \end{equation}

Here, x0x^{0} is a constant set to pass through the x1x_{1}-axis (Γ)(\Gamma) when s=0s=0. Since ux2=p2u_{x_{2}}=p^{2} and by the boundary condition u=x22u=x_{2}^{2} when x1=0x_{1}=0 (s=0s=0), p20=u(0, x0)=2x0p_{2}^{0}=u(0,\ x^{0})=2x^{0}. Also, as the given differential equation is ux1ux2=uu_{x_{1}}u_{x_{2}}=u, p10p20=z0=(x0)2p_{1}^{0}p_{2}^{0}=z^{0}=(x^{0})^{2} and p10=x02p_{1}^{0}=\frac{x^{0}}{2}. If we substitute all these into (4)(4), we obtain the following.

{p1(s)=x02esp2(s)=2x0esz(s)=(x0)2e2sx1(s)=2x0(es1)x2(s)=x0+x02(es1) \left\{ \begin{align*} p^{1}(s) &= \frac{x^{0}}{2}e^s \\ p^{2}(s) &= 2x^{0}e^s \\ z(s) &= (x^{0})^{2}e^{2s} \\ x^{1}(s) &= 2x^{0}(e^s-1) \\ x^{2}(s) &= x^{0}+\frac{x^{0}}{2}(e^s-1) \end{align*} \right.

Now, fix the point (x1,x2)Ω(x_{1}, x_{2})\in \Omega.

(x1,x2)=(x1(s),x2(s))=(2x0(es1),x02(es+1)) (x_{1}, x_{2})=(x^{1}(s), x^{2}(s))=\left( 2x^{0}(e^s -1), \frac{x^{0}}{2}(e^s+1) \right)

Then, for s, x0s,\ x^{0}, we obtain the following.

x0=4x2x14,  es=x1+4x24x2x1 x^{0}=\frac{4x_{2}-x_{1}}{4},\ \ e^s=\frac{x_{1}+4x_{2}}{4x_{2}-x_{1}}

Therefore, the solution of the equation is as follows.

u(x)=u(x1(s), x2(s))=z(s)=(x0)2e2s=(x1+4x2)216 u(x)=u(x^{1}(s),\ x^{2}(s))=z(s)=(x^{0})^{2}e^{2s}=\dfrac{(x_{1}+4x_{2})^{2}}{16}

  1. Lawrence C. Evans, Partial Differential Equations (2nd Edition, 2010), p99-102 ↩︎