
Equivalence Relations and Set Partitions 📂Set Theory

Equivalence Relations and Set Partitions

Theorem 1

A partition of a set XX with respect to an equivalence relation RR is X/RX / R of XX.


Though this theorem might seem trivial, it’s widely used across all areas of mathematics, including topology and abstract algebra. An equivalence relation, simply put, is viewing things as ’the same,’ and ironically, the concept of ’not being the same’ accompanies the establishment of an equivalence relation. The entire set is divided into several pieces under the law of equivalence relation, and it gets divided without ambiguous boundaries due to the strict criteria of the equivalence relation.


Strategy: By taking the contrapositive of the properties of equivalence classes, we show that equivalence classes do not overlap each other. An equivalence class is a subset of the entire set, but showing that the union of all equivalence classes is significantly larger than the entire set eventually proves that both sets are the same.

Definition of Partition: A P\mathscr{P} that satisfies the following conditions for all subsets A,B,CA,B,C of a set XX is called a partition of XX.

  • (i): A,BPAB    AB=A,B \subset \mathscr{P} \land A \ne B \implies A \cap B = \emptyset
  • (ii): CPC=X\bigcup_{C \in \mathscr{P} } C = X

Definition of Equivalence Class: Given an equivalence relation RR defined on a set XX. For xXx \in X, x/R:={yX:yRx}x / R := \left\{ y \in X : y R x \right\} is called the equivalence class of xx. The set of all equivalence classes of XX is denoted as X/R:={x/R:xX}X / R := \left\{ x / R : x \in X \right\}.

According to the definition of X/RX / R, X/RP(X)X / R \subset \mathscr{P} (X).

Part 1. A,BPAB    AB=A,B \subset \mathscr{P} \land A \ne B \implies A \cap B = \emptyset

Properties of Equivalence Class [4]: x/Ry/R    x/R=y/Rx / R \cap y / R \ne \emptyset \iff x/R = y/R

By the properties of equivalence class, x/Ry/R    x/R=y/R x / R \cap y / R \ne \emptyset \implies x/R = y/R By contrapositive, x/Ry/R    x/Ry/R= x/R \ne y/R \implies x / R \cap y / R = \emptyset

Part 2. CPC=X\displaystyle \bigcup_{C \in \mathscr{P} } C = X

Since for all xx, x/RXx / R \subset X, xXx/RX \bigcup_{x \in X} x / R \subset X And since for all xx, xx/Rx \in x / R, XxXx/R X \subset \bigcup_{x \in X} x / R Since the inclusion relationship of sets is established both ways, X=xXx/R X = \bigcup_{x \in X} x / R

  1. 이흥천 역, You-Feng Lin. (2011). 집합론(Set Theory: An Intuitive Approach): p149. ↩︎