[4]: For a (n+1) times differentiable function f:R→R and some ξ∈H{x0,⋯,xn}, the polynomial interpolation pn of f satisfies the following for some t∈R. f(t)−pn(t)=(n+1)!(t−x0)⋯(t−xn)f(n+1)(ξ)
H{a,b,c,⋯} represents the smallest interval that includes a,b,c,⋯.
Polynomial interpolation is simplified in Korean as 다항식 보간법.
Condition degp≤n
The condition degp≤n implies there’s not always a guarantee that a p satisfying degp=n exists. For instance, when n=2, if the three points lie in a straight line as shown above, a p2(x)=a2x2+a1x+a0 passing through (n+1)=3 points does not exist, while a lower degree p1(x)=a1x+a0 does. This actually means that p2(x)=a2x2+a1x+a0 was found, but in cases where a2=0.
Lagrange’s Formula and Newton’s Divided Difference Formula are the same
Though formulas [2] and [3] appear different, they are essentially the same due to [1]. The core difference between the two formulas is merely how pn is represented. Functionally, the significant difference is that Newton’s Divided Difference Formula is easier to update when new data is added.
Error with the Actual Function
Theorem [4] shows how much difference there is between the interpolating pn and the actual function f. Generally, the divergence rate of (n+1)! is very fast, so the accuracy of interpolation pn increases with more data. However, this formula does not necessarily discuss convergence. For a simple example, consider when t is very, very far from H{x0,⋯,xn}. Moreover, if the value of f worsens with each differentiation, and that even surpasses the divergence rate of (n+1)!, it can turn weird.
Strategy: Show the uniqueness of the coefficients a0,a1,⋯,an of pn that satisfy yi=pn(xi)=a0+a1xi+⋯+anxin for all i=0,⋯,n by representing a system of (n+1) equations in matrix form and simultaneously ensuring the existence and uniqueness of the inverse matrix.
Define y:=y0y1⋮yn,X:=11⋮1x0x1⋮xn⋯⋯⋱⋯x0nx1n⋮xnn,a:=a0a1⋮an and represent the simultaneous equations in matrix form, and then
Now, the problem has changed to finding a solution a that satisfies y=Xa.
Since the x0,⋯,xn are different by assumption, detX=0, and X−1 exists. Thus, a=X−1y also exists. Meanwhile, since the inverse of a given matrix is unique, a is also unique.
Strategy: Define new dummy functions and avoid direct calculation by using their differentiability. Since the setting is complex, it is actually easier to understand from the back.
Claim: For E(x):=f(x)−pn(X), the following holds.
Part 1.
Firstly, if t is the same as the nodal points x0,⋯,xn, it trivially holds, so assume t is different from these nodal points.
Upon defining the new functions as above, since f, pn, and Ψ are (n+1) times differentiable, G is also (n+1) times differentiable.
Part 2.
Substituting x=xi into G leads to E(xi)=f(xi)−pn(xi)=0 and Ψ(xi)=0, thus
Substituting x=t into G leads to Ψ(t)Ψ(t)=1, thus
Therefore, G has (n+2) different zero x0,⋯,xn,ts.
Part 3.
For convenience, let’s say xn+1:=t.
Rolle’s theorem: If function f(x) is continuous on [a,b], differentiable on (a,b), and f(a)=f(b), then there exists at least one c in (a,b) that satisfies f′(c)=0.
For all i=0,⋯,n,
hence, by Rolle’s theorem, there exists xi′∈H{xi,xi+1} satisfying g′(x’i)=0, and similarly for all i=0,⋯,(n−1),
hence, by Rolle’s theorem, there exists xi′′∈H{x’i,x’i+1} satisfying G′′(x’’i)=0. By inductively using Rolle’s theorem (n+1) times, it can be guaranteed that there exists ξ∈H{x0,⋯,xn+1} satisfying
Meanwhile, since pn is a n degree polynomial,
The highest degree term of Ψ is xn+1, so
Differentiating both sides of G(x)=E(x)−Ψ(t)Ψ(x)E(t)(n+1) times with respect to x gives
Substituting x=ξ into G(n+1) and f(n+1) yields
Since E(t)=f(t)−pn(t), it follows that
Atkinson. (1989). An Introduction to Numerical Analysis(2nd Edition): p131. ↩︎