
Euclidean Geometry 📂Abstract Algebra

Euclidean Geometry

Definitions 1

In an integral domain $D$, if there exists a Euclidean norm $\nu : D \setminus \left\{ 0 \right\} \to \mathbb{N}_{0}$ that satisfies the following two conditions, then $D$ is called a Euclidean domain:

  • (i): For all $a,b \in D (b \ne 0 )$, there exists $q$ and $r$ such that $$ a = bq + r $$ is satisfied. In this case, either $r = 0$ or $\nu (r) < \nu (b)$ must hold.
  • (ii): For all $a,b \in D (b \ne 0 )$, $\nu ( a ) \le \nu ( ab )$

  • $\mathbb{N}_{0}$ denotes the set including the natural numbers along with $0$.


Let the identity of a Euclidean domain $D$ be $0$, the unit element $1$, and the Euclidean norm $\nu$.

  • [1]: Every ED is a PID.
  • [2]: Every ED is a UFD.
  • [3]: For all $d \in D$ not equal to $0$, $\nu (1) \le \nu (d)$
  • [4]: $u \in D$ is a unit element $\iff$ $\nu ( u ) = \nu (1)$


The term “Euclidean domain” may not be very long, but the abbreviation ED is often used.

Conditions (i) and (ii) are naturally satisfied in the ring of integers $\mathbb{Z}$, making it a Euclidean domain because there exists a Euclidean norm $\nu ( n ) := | n |$. Originally, the term Euclidean norm is derived from the Euclidean algorithm in number theory.

Considering a field $F$ and $F [ x ]$, it becomes a Euclidean domain by defining a Euclidean norm $\nu ( f(x) ) : = \deg ( f(x) )$. The division theorem applies to this condition.

20190107\_023727.png Diagramming various domains like above easily shows how many favorable properties ED has.



Let’s refer to an ideal of $D$ as $N$.

$N = \left\{ 0 \right\} = \left< 0 \right>$ is naturally a principal ideal, so let’s consider $N \ne \left\{ 0 \right\}$.

For all $n \in N$ not equal to $0$, one can find $b \ne 0$ that satisfies $$ \nu (b) \le \nu (n) $$ . If we call this $a \in N$, then by condition (i) $$ a = b q + r $$ must exist $q,r \in D$. Since $N = Nq$ is an ideal, $r = a - bq$ is also an element existing in $N$. $b$ being the element that minimizes $\nu (b)$ implies that according to condition (ii), it must be $r=0$. That all elements $a \in N$ are represented as $a = bq$ means $N = \left< b \right>$, hence all ideals $N$ are principal ideals.


Since ED is a PID, and PID is UFD, hence ED is UFD.


By condition (ii), $$ \nu (1) \le \nu ( 1 d) = \nu (d) $$


$( \implies )$

Since $u$ is a unit, its inverse $u^{-1}$ exists so $$ \nu ( u ) \le \nu ( u u^{-1} ) = \nu (1) $$ and by theorem [3], $\nu (1) \le \nu (1)$ thus $$ \nu ( u ) = \nu (1) $$

$( \impliedby )$

If we let $1 = uq + r$, then by theorem [2], $\nu ( u) = \nu (1)$ is the smallest except for $\nu (0)$. Since theorem [3] states that $\nu ( r) < \nu (u)$ satisfies only if $r=0$, $1 = uq$, and $u$ becomes a unit.

See also

  1. Fraleigh. (2003). A first course in abstract algebra(7th Edition): p401. ↩︎