
Salt and Pepper Noise 📂Machine Learning

Salt and Pepper Noise


The noise that appears as small dots in an image in white or black is called salt-and-pepper noise.



For example, the occurrence of salt-and-pepper noise in the image above means that small dots are scattered throughout the image, as shown below.



Unlike the Gaussian noise, which typically makes the image look blurry, salt-and-pepper noise occurs when extreme values of either $0$ or $1$ are assigned regardless of the surrounding pixels. Since these are much brighter or darker than the nearby pixels, they can easily be removed using a median filter, which takes the median value among the nearby pixels. However, without such processing, they can act as outliers and cause problems in various processing steps.

The name “salt-and-pepper noise” comes intuitively from the appearance of white salt and black pepper sprinkled on a black-and-white image. Numerically, it also includes extreme vectors in color images, such as red dots, blue dots, and green dots.


The following is code in Julia for generating salt-and-pepper noise in an image.

using Images

img = Gray.(load("theblack.jpg"))

pepper = rand(size(img)...) .> 0.001
salt = rand(size(img)...) .< 0.0001

img = img .* pepper
img = img .+ 255salt

save("theblack_noisy.jpg", img)