
Specifying the Color of Axes, Axis Names, Ticks, and Tick Values in Julia Plots 📂Julia

Specifying the Color of Axes, Axis Names, Ticks, and Tick Values in Julia Plots


The keywords related to specifying the color of axes and ticks in Plots.jl are as follows.

Keyword NameFunction
guidefontcolorSpecify axis name color
foreground_color_border, fgcolor_borderSpecify axis color
foreground_color_axis, fgcolor_axisSpecify tick color
foreground_color_text, fgcolor_textSpecify tick value color

Adding x_ or y_ in front of the keyword name applies it to the respective axis only.


Axis Names

The keyword to specify the color of axis names is guidefontcolor. Axis names can be specified with xlabel, ylabel.

x = randn(10, 3)

plot(plot(x, guidefontcolor = :red),
     plot(x, x_guidefontcolor = :red),
     plot(x, y_guidefontcolor = :red),
     xlabel = "x label",
     ylabel = "y label",


The keyword to specify the color of axes is foreground_color_border.

plot(plot(x, foreground_color_border = :red),
     plot(x, x_foreground_color_border = :red),
     plot(x, y_foreground_color_border = :red),
     xlabel = "x label",
     ylabel = "y label",


The keyword to specify the color of ticks is foreground_color_axis. Setting it to false only removes the ticks.

plot(plot(x, foreground_color_axis = :red),
     plot(x, x_foreground_color_axis = :red),
     plot(x, y_foreground_color_axis = false),
     xlabel = "x label",
     ylabel = "y label",

Tick Values

The keyword to specify the color of tick values is foreground_color_text. Setting it to false only removes the tick values.

plot(plot(x, foreground_color_text = :red),
     plot(x, x_foreground_color_text = :red),
     plot(x, y_foreground_color_text = flase),
     xlabel = "x label",
     ylabel = "y label",


  • OS: Windows11
  • Version: Julia 1.9.4, Plots v1.39.0

See Also