Christoffel Symbols in Differential Geometry
📂GeometryChristoffel Symbols in Differential Geometry
Let x:U→R3 represent a coordinate mapping. In differential geometry, the characteristics and properties of geometric objects are described through differentiation. Therefore, the derivatives of the coordinate fragments x appear in various theorems and formulas. For instance, the first-order derivatives {x1,x2} become the basis of the tangent space TpM. Hence, any tangent vector X∈TpM can be expressed as follows:
Now consider the second-order derivatives of the coordinate mapping, xij=∂ui∂uj∂2x. Since this is a vector of R3, it can be represented as a linear combination of the bases of R3. However, we already know three vectors in R3 that are orthogonal to each other, which are the first-order derivatives and the unit normal.
Then, xij can be expressed as follows:
These coefficients bij1,bij2 are called Christoffel symbols. Now, let’s concretely determine these coefficients. According to the properties of the first fundamental form, the following holds:
⟹⟨xij,xl⟩l=1∑2⟨xij,xl⟩glk= bij1⟨x1,xl⟩+bij2⟨x2,xl⟩= k′=1∑2bijk′⟨xk′,xl⟩= k′=1∑2bijk′gk′l= l=1∑2k′=1∑2bijk′gk′lglk= k′=1∑2bijk′δk′k= bijk
Now let’s denote these bijk as Γijk and define it as follows:
The Γijk(1≤i,j,k≤2) defined as follows is called the Christoffel symbol.
The omitted equation for ∑ uses the Einstein notation.
Because of x12=x21, it follows that Γ12k=Γ21k.
The tangent components bijk of xij are denoted as Γijk and called Christoffel symbols, and the normal component aij of xij is denoted as Lij and called the coefficient of the second fundamental form.
The Christoffel symbols introduced above specifically refer to the second Christoffel symbol. The first Christoffel symbol is defined as follows.
Usually, when referring to Christoffel symbols, it means the second symbol. G. B. Christoffel was the first to use these symbols, and at that time, the second symbol was written as {ijk}.
See also