
Back Propagation Algorithm 📂Machine Learning

Back Propagation Algorithm

This article is written for math majors to understand the principles of the backpropagation algorithm.



Given an artificial neural network like the one shown above. Let $\mathbf{x} = (x_{1}, x_{2}, \dots, x_{n_{0}})$ be the input, $y_{j}^{l}$ be the $j$th node of the $l$th layer, $\hat{\mathbf{y}} = (\hat{y}_{1}, \hat{y}_{2}, \dots, \hat{y}_{\hat{n}})$ is the output .

Let $L \in \mathbb{N}$ be the number of hidden layers, and the components of $\mathbf{n}=(n_{0}, n_{1}, \dots, n_{L}, \hat{n}) \in \mathbb{N}^{L+2}$ be the number of nodes in the input layer, $L$ hidden layers, and output layer, in that order. Also, for convenience, let the $0$th hidden layer be the input layer and the $L+1$th hidden layer be the output layer.

Let $w_{ji}^{l}$ denote the weight connecting the $i$th node in the $l$th layer to the $j$th node in the next layer. Propagation from each layer to the next then occurs as shown in the image below.


where $\phi$ is an arbitrary activation function. Let us denote by $v_{i}^{l}$ the linear combination passed from the $l$th layer to the $j$th node of the next layer.

$$ \begin{align*} v_{j}^{l} &= \sum _{i=1}^{n_{l}} w_{ji}^{l}y_{i}^{l} \\ y_{j}^{l+1} &= \phi ( v_{j}^{l} ) = \phi \left( \sum \nolimits_{i=1}^{n_{l}} w_{ji}^{l}y_{i}^{l} \right) \end{align*} $$

To summarize, this looks like this

$\mathbf{x}=(x_{1}, x_{2}, \dots, x_{n_{0}})$input
$y^{l}_{j}$The $j$th node in the $l$th layer
$\hat{\mathbf{y}} = (\hat{y}_{1}, \hat{y}_{2}, \dots, \hat{y}_{\hat{n}} )$output
$n_{l}$Number of nodes in the $l$th layer
$w_{ji}^{l}$The weight connecting the $i$th node in the $l$th layer to the $j$th node in the next layer.
$\phi$Activation Functions
$v_{j}^{l} = \sum \limits _{i=1} ^{n_{l}} w_{ji}^{l}y_{i}^{l}$Linear Combination
$y^{l+1}_{j} = \phi (v_{j}^{l})$Propagation from $l$th layer to next layer


Let $E = E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})$ be a proper differentiable loss function, then the way to optimize $E$ is to update the weights $w_{ji}^{l}$ at each layer as follows. $$ \begin{equation} w_{ji}^{l} \leftarrow w_{ji}^{l} + \alpha \delta^{l}_{j} y_{i}^{l} \label{thm} \end{equation} $$

Where $\alpha$ is the learning rate and $\delta_{j}^{l}$ is as follows when $l=L$,

$$ -\delta_{j}^{L} = \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L}) \dfrac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial \hat{y}_{j}} $$

For $l \in \left\{ 0,\dots, L-1 \right\}$,

$$ \delta_{j}^{l} = \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{l}) \sum_{i=1}^{n_{l}} \delta_{i}^{l+1} w_{i j}^{l+1} $$


Let’s look at $(1)$. It says that we rely on the $l$th nodes $y_{j}^{l}$ to update the weights between the $l$th and $l+1$th layers, which makes sense since the output of each layer ultimately determines the output $\hat{\mathbf{y}}$. Also, $y_{j}^{l}$ can be viewed as inputs as they propagate from the $l$th to the $l+1$th layer, which is similar to how a linear regression model is trained with LMS.

$$ \mathbf{w} \leftarrow \mathbf{w} - \alpha (\mathbf{w}^{T}\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{y}) \mathbf{x} $$

This optimization technique is called a back propagation algorithm because the outputs $y_{j}^{l}$ at each layer are computed from the input layer to the output layer, while the $\delta_{j}^{l}$ for optimization are computed backwards from the output layer to the input layer as follows.

$$ \begin{align*} \delta_{j}^{L} &= - \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L}) \dfrac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial \hat{y}_{j}} \\ \delta_{j}^{L-1} &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-1}) \sum _{i} \delta_{j}^{L} w_{ij}^{L} \\ \delta_{j}^{L-2} &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-2}) \sum _{i} \delta_{i}^{L-1} w_{ij}^{L-1} \\ \delta_{j}^{L-3} &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-3}) \sum _{i} \delta_{i}^{L-2} w_{ij}^{L-2} \\ &\vdots \\ \delta_{j}^{1} &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{1}) \sum _{i} \delta_{i}^{2} w_{ij}^{2} \\ \delta_{j}^{0} &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{0}) \sum _{i} \delta_{i}^{1} w_{ij}^{1} \end{align*} $$


Let’s say we’re done computing from the input layer to the output layer. We can modify the weights in such a way that the loss function $E$ decreases, using the gradient descent method.

$$ \begin{equation} w_{ji}^{l} \leftarrow w_{ji}^{l} - \alpha \dfrac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial w_{ji}^{l} } \label{gradesent} \end{equation} $$

Since each $y_{i}^{l}$ is a given value, we can solve for the partial derivative in a computable form. The partial differential on the right hand side is given by the chain rule.

$$ \begin{equation} \dfrac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial w_{ji}^{l}} = \dfrac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}}) }{\partial v_{j}^{l}} \dfrac{\partial v_{j}^{l}}{\partial w_{ji}^{l}} = \dfrac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial v_{j}^{l}} y_{i}^{l} \label{chainrule} \end{equation} $$

Letting $-\delta_{j}^{l}$ be the partial derivative of the right-hand side of $(3)$, we obtain $(1)$ from $(2)$.

$$ w_{ji}^{l} \leftarrow w_{ji}^{l} + \alpha \delta^{l}_{j} y_{i}^{l} $$

Find $\delta_{j}^{l}$ at each floor as follows.

  • Case $l = L$

    For $j \in \left\{ 1, \dots, \hat{n} \right\}$, the following holds.

    $$ \begin{equation} -\delta_{j}^{L} = \dfrac{\partial E (\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial v_{j}^{L}} = \dfrac{\partial E ( \hat{\mathbf{y}} ) } {\partial \hat{y}_{j}} \dfrac{d \hat{y}_{j}}{d v_{j}^{L}} \label{deltamL} \end{equation} $$

    Since $\hat{y}_{j} =\phi (v_{j}^{L})$, we get

    $$ -\delta_{j}^{L} (t) =\phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L}(t)) \dfrac{\partial E (\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial \hat{y}_{j}} $$

  • Case $l = L-1$

    For $j \in \left\{ 1, \dots, n_{L-1} \right\}$, we have

    $$ -\delta_{j}^{L-1} = \dfrac{\partial E (\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial v_{j}^{L-1}} = \dfrac{\partial E ( \hat{\mathbf{y}} ) } {\partial y_{j}^{L}} \dfrac{d y_{j}^{L}}{d v_{j}^{L-1}} $$

    Since $y_{j}^{L} =\phi (v_{j}^{L-1})$, we get

    $$ -\delta_{j}^{L-1} = \dfrac{\partial E (\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial y_{j}^{L}} \dfrac{\partial y_{j}^{L}}{\partial v_{j}^{L-1}} = \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-1}) \dfrac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial y_{j}^{L}} $$

    The partial derivative on the right-hand side is computed by the chain rule as follows.

    $$ \begin{align*} -\delta_{j}^{L-1} &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-1}) \dfrac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial y_{j}^{L}} \\ &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-1}) \sum _{i} \dfrac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial \hat{y}_{i}} \dfrac{\partial \hat{y}_{i}}{\partial y_{j}^{L}} \\ &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-1}) \sum _{i} \dfrac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial \hat{y}_{i}} \dfrac{d \hat{y}_{i}}{d v_{i}^{L}} \dfrac{\partial v_{i}^{L}}{\partial y_{j}^{L}} \end{align*} $$

    Here, by $(4)$ and ${\color{green}v_{i}^{L}=\sum_{j}w_{ij}^{L}y_{j}^{L}}$, we get the following.

    $$ \begin{align} && -\delta_{j}^{L-1} &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-1}) \sum _{i=1} {\color{blue}\dfrac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial \hat{y}_{i}} \dfrac{\partial \hat{y}_{i}}{\partial v_{i}^{L}}} {\color{green} \dfrac{d v_{i}^{L}}{d y_{j^{L}}} } \nonumber \\ && &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-1}) \sum _{i} {\color{blue} -\delta_{i}^{L}} {\color{green} w_{ij}^{L} }\nonumber \\ {}\nonumber \\ \implies && \delta_{j}^{L-1} &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-1}) \sum _{i} \delta_{i}^{L} w_{ij}^{L} \label{deltajL-1} \end{align} $$

  • Case $l = L-2$

    For $j \in \left\{ 1, \dots, n_{L-2} \right\}$

    $$ -\delta_{j}^{L-2} = \dfrac{\partial E (\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial v_{j}^{L-2}} = \dfrac{\partial E ( \hat{\mathbf{y}} ) } {\partial y_{j}^{L-1}} \dfrac{d y_{j}^{L-1}}{d v_{j}^{L-2}} $$

    Since $y_{j}^{L-1} =\phi (v_{j}^{L-2})$, we get

    $$ -\delta_{j}^{L-2} = \dfrac{\partial E (\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial y_{j}^{L-1}} \dfrac{d y_{j}^{L-1}}{d v_{j}^{L-2}} = \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-2}) \dfrac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial y_{j}^{L-1}} $$

    The partial derivative on the right-hand side is computed by the chain rule as follows.

    $$ \begin{align*} -\delta_{j}^{L-2} &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-2}) \dfrac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial y_{j}^{L-1}} \\ &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-2}) \sum _{i} \dfrac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial \hat{y}_{i}} \dfrac{\partial \hat{y}_{i}}{\partial y_{j}^{L-1}} \\ &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-2}) \sum _{i} \dfrac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial \hat{y}_{i}} \dfrac{d \hat{y}_{i}}{d v_{i}^{L}} \dfrac{\partial v_{i}^{L}}{\partial y_{j}^{L-1}} \\ &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-2}) \sum _{i} \dfrac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial \hat{y}_{i}} \dfrac{d \hat{y}_{i}}{d v_{i}^{L}} \sum _{k} \dfrac{\partial v_{i}^{L}}{\partial y_{k}^{L}} \dfrac{\partial y_{k}^{L}}{\partial y_{j}^{L-1}} \\ &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-2}) \sum _{i} \dfrac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial \hat{y}_{i}} \dfrac{d \hat{y}_{i}}{d v_{i}^{L}} \sum _{k} \dfrac{\partial v_{i}^{L}}{\partial y_{k}^{L}} \dfrac{d y_{k}^{L}}{d v_{k}^{L-1}} \dfrac{\partial v_{k}^{L-1}}{\partial y_{j}^{L-1}} \\ &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-2}) \sum _{k} \sum _{i} {\color{blue}\dfrac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial \hat{y}_{i}} \dfrac{d \hat{y}_{i}}{d v_{i}^{L}}} {\color{red}\dfrac{\partial v_{i}^{L}}{\partial y_{k}^{L}} } {\color{green}\dfrac{d y_{k}^{L}}{d v_{k}^{L-1}}} {\color{purple}\dfrac{d v_{k}^{L-1}}{\partial y_{j}^{L-1}}} \\ &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-2}) \sum _{k} \sum _{i} {\color{blue} -\delta_{i}^{L}} {\color{red} w_{ik}^{L}} {\color{green} \phi^{\prime}(v_{k}^{L-1})} {\color{purple} w_{kj}^{L-1}} \end{align*} $$

    So we get the following

    $$ \delta_{j}^{L-2} = -\phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-2}) \sum _{k} \sum _{i} \delta_{i}^{L} w_{ik}^{L} \phi^{\prime}(v_{k}^{L-1}) w_{kj}^{L-1} $$

    Then, by $(5)$, the following holds.

    $$ \sum _{i} \delta_{i}^{L} w_{ik}^{L} \phi^{\prime}(v_{k}^{L-1}) = \phi^{\prime}(v_{k}^{L-1}) \sum _{i} \delta_{i}^{L} w_{ik}^{L} = \delta_{k}^{L-1} $$

    THerefore we get the following

    $$ \begin{align*} \delta_{j}^{L-2} &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-2}) \sum _{k} \delta_{k}^{L-1} w_{kj}^{L-1} \\ &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{L-2}) \sum _{i} \delta_{i}^{L-1} w_{ij}^{L-1} \end{align*} $$

  • Generalization: $l \in \left\{ 1, \dots, L-1 \right\}$

    Based on the above results, we can generalize as follows for $j \in \left\{ 1, \dots, n_{l} \right\}$,

    $$ -\delta_{j}^{l} = \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{l}) \dfrac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial y_{j}^{l}} $$

    Solving the partial derivative on the right-hand side by the chain rule is as follows.

    $$ \begin{align*} &\quad \delta_{j}^{l} \\ &= -\phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{l}) \dfrac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial y_{j}^{l}} \\ &= -\phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{l}) \sum_{i_{(1)}} \frac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial \hat{y}_{i_{(1)}}} \frac{\partial \hat{y}_{i_{(1)}}}{\partial y_{j}^{l}} \\ &= -\phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{l}) \sum_{i_{(1)}} \frac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial \hat{y}_{i_{(1)}}} \frac{d \hat{y}_{i_{(1)}}}{d v_{i_{(1)}}^{L}} \frac{\partial v_{i_{(1)}}^{L}}{\partial y_{j}^{l}} \\ &= -\phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{l}) \sum_{i_{(2)}} \sum_{i_{(1)}} \frac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial \hat{y}_{i_{(1)}}} \frac{d \hat{y}_{i_{(1)}}}{d v_{i_{(1)}}^{L}} \frac{\partial v_{i_{(1)}}^{L}}{\partial y_{i_{(2)}}^{L}} \frac{\partial y_{i_{(2)}}^{L}}{\partial y_{j}^{l}} \\ &= -\phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{l}) \sum_{i_{(2)}} \sum_{i_{(1)}} \frac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial \hat{y}_{i_{(1)}}} \frac{d \hat{y}_{i_{(1)}}}{d v_{i_{(1)}}^{L}} \frac{\partial v_{i_{(1)}}^{L}}{\partial y_{i_{(2)}}^{L}} \frac{d y_{i_{(2)}}^{L}}{d v_{i_{(2)}}^{L-1}} \frac{\partial v_{i_{(2)}}^{L-1}}{\partial y_{j}^{l}} \\ &= -\phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{l}) \sum_{i_{(3)}} \sum_{i_{(2)}} \sum_{i_{(1)}} \frac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial \hat{y}_{i_{(1)}}} \frac{d \hat{y}_{i_{(1)}}}{d v_{i_{(1)}}^{L}} \frac{\partial v_{i_{(1)}}^{L}}{\partial y_{i_{(2)}}^{L}} \frac{d y_{i_{(2)}}^{L}}{d v_{i_{(2)}}^{L-1}} \frac{\partial v_{i_{(2)}}^{L-1}}{\partial y_{i_{(3)}}^{L-1} } \frac{\partial y_{i_{(3)}}^{L-1} }{ \partial y_{j}^{l}} \\ &= -\phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{l}) \sum_{i_{(3)}} \sum_{i_{(2)}} \sum_{i_{(1)}} \frac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial \hat{y}_{i_{(1)}}} \frac{d \hat{y}_{i_{(1)}}}{d v_{i_{(1)}}^{L}} \frac{\partial v_{i_{(1)}}^{L}}{\partial y_{i_{(2)}}^{L}} \frac{d y_{i_{(2)}}^{L}}{d v_{i_{(2)}}^{L-1}} \frac{\partial v_{i_{(2)}}^{L-1}}{\partial y_{i_{(3)}}^{L-1} } \frac{d y_{i_{(3)}}^{L-1} }{d v_{i_{(3)}}^{L-2} } \frac{\partial v_{i_{(3)}}^{L-2} }{ \partial y_{j}^{l}} \\ & \quad \vdots \\ &= -\phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{l}) \sum_{i_{(L-l)}} \cdots \sum_{i_{(3)}} \sum_{i_{(2)}} \sum_{i_{(1)}} \frac{\partial E(\hat{\mathbf{y}})}{\partial \hat{y}_{i_{(1)}}} \frac{d \hat{y}_{i_{(1)}}}{d v_{i_{(1)}}^{L}} \frac{\partial v_{i_{(1)}}^{L}}{\partial y_{i_{(2)}}^{L}} \frac{d y_{i_{(2)}}^{L}}{d v_{i_{(2)}}^{L-1}} \frac{\partial v_{i_{(2)}}^{L-1}}{\partial y_{i_{(3)}}^{L-1} } \frac{d y_{i_{(3)}}^{L-1} }{d v_{i_{(3)}}^{L-2} } \frac{\partial v_{i_{(3)}}^{L-2} }{ \partial y_{i_{(4)}}^{L-2}} \cdots \frac{d y_{i_{(L-l+1)}}^{l+1} }{d v_{i_{(L-l+1)}}^{l} } \frac{\partial v_{i_{(L-l+1)}}^{l} }{ \partial y_{j}^{l}} \\ &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{l}) \sum_{i_{(L-l)}} \cdots \sum_{i_{(3)}} \sum_{i_{(2)}} \sum_{i_{(1)}} -\delta_{i_{(1)}}^{L} w_{i_{(1)}i_{(2)}}^{L} \phi^{\prime}(v_{i_{(2)}}^{L-1}) w_{i_{(2)} i_{(3)}}^{L-1} \phi^{\prime}( v_{i_{(3)}}^{L-2} ) w_{i_{(3)} i_{(4)}}^{L-2} \cdots \phi^{\prime}(v_{L-l+1}^{l})w_{i_{(L-l+1)} j}^{L} \\ &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{l}) \sum_{i_{(L-l)}} \cdots \sum_{i_{(3)}} \sum_{i_{(2)}} \delta_{i_{(2)}}^{L-1}w_{i_{(2)} i_{(3)}}^{L-1} \phi^{\prime}( v_{i_{(3)}}^{L-2} ) w_{i_{(3)} i_{(4)}}^{L-2} \cdots \phi^{\prime}(v_{L-l+1}^{l})w_{i_{(L-l+1)} j}^{L} \\ &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{l}) \sum_{i_{(L-l)}} \cdots \sum_{i_{(3)}} \delta_{i_{(3)}}^{L-2} w_{i_{(3)} i_{(4)}}^{L-2} \cdots w_{i_{(L-l)} j}^{L} \\ &\quad \vdots \\ &= \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{l}) \sum_{i_{(L-l)}} \delta_{i_{(L-l)}}^{l+1} w_{i_{(l-l)} j}^{l} \end{align*} $$

    Therefore to summarize

    $$ \delta_{j}^{l} = \phi ^{\prime} (v_{j}^{l}) \sum_{i} \delta_{i}^{l+1} w_{ij}^{l+1} $$