
Implementing a Discrete Fourier Transform Matrix in Julia 📂Fourier Analysis

Implementing a Discrete Fourier Transform Matrix in Julia


The Discrete Fourier Transform of an NN-dimensional vector x\mathbf{x} can be represented as a matrix multiplication as follows:

x^=Fx \widehat{\mathbf{x}} = F \mathbf{x}

Here, if we express FF as ω=ei2π/N\omega = e^{-i2\pi/N},

F=[11111ωω2ωN11ω2ω4ω2(N1)1ωN1ω2(N1)ω(N1)2] F = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 & 1 & \cdots & 1 \\ 1 & \omega & \omega^2 & \cdots & \omega^{N-1} \\ 1 & \omega^2 & \omega^4 & \cdots & \omega^{2(N-1)} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 1 & \omega^{N-1} & \omega^{2(N-1)} & \cdots & \omega^{(N-1)^{2}} \end{bmatrix}

The inverse transform is represented as F1=1NFF^{-1} = \dfrac{1}{N} \overline{F}, where F\overline{F} is the conjugate transpose of FF.


1D Discrete Fourier Transform

In Julia, it can be implemented as follows:

function dft_matrix(n)
    ω = exp(-2π*im/n)
    F = [ω^(i*j) for i in 0:n-1, j in 0:n-1]
    return F

Of course, it can also be written in one line like this:

function dft_matrix(n)
    return [exp(2π *im*i*j/n) for i in 0:n-1, j in 0:n-1]

Verifying with the Fast Fourier Transform package FFTW results in the following:

using FFTW
using Plots

F = dft_matrix(128)
x = rand(128)

ξ = fft(x)
η = F*x

    plot(abs.(ξ), label="FFTW"),
    plot(abs.(η), label="DFT matrix"),
    plot(abs.(ξ .- η), label="Difference"),

2D Discrete Fourier Transform

To implement a 2D transform, let’s load an image.

using Tomography

p = phantom(128, 2)
heatmap(p, yflip=true, c=:viridis)

Comparing with FFTW gives the following result:

F = dft_matrix(256)
ξ = fft(p)
η = F*p*transpose(F)

    heatmap(abs.(ξ), yflip=true, title="FFTW"),
    heatmap(abs.(η), yflip=true, aspect_ratio=1, title="DFT matrix"),
    heatmap(abs.(ξ .- η), yflip=true, aspect_ratio=1, title="Difference"),

Inverse Transform

Since the inverse transform is the conjugate transpose of the transformation matrix, it can be implemented as follows:

function dft_inverse(F)
    n = size(F, 1)
    return conj(F) / n

F = dft_matrix(128)
x = rand(128)
F⁻¹ = dft_inverse(F)
    plot(x, label="Original signal x"),
    plot(real(F⁻¹*F*x), label="Reconstructed signal F⁻¹*F*x"),
    plot(abs.(x .- F⁻¹*F*x), label="Difference"),
    layout = (3,1)

Similarly, for the 2D case,

p = phantom(256, 2)
F = dft_matrix(256)
F⁻¹ = dft_inverse(F)
p_reconstructed = F⁻¹*F*p*transpose(F)*transpose(F⁻¹)

    heatmap(p, yflip=true, title="Original image"),
    heatmap(real(p_reconstructed), yflip=true, title="Reconstructed image"),
    heatmap(abs.(p .- real(p_reconstructed)), yflip=true, title="Difference", clims=(0, 1e-10)),


In the Discrete Fourier Transform, the frequency component with 00 typically appears first. Fourier transform-related packages provide functions (commonly named fftshift) that shift the 00 frequency component to the center. Implementing it involves swapping the front half and the back half components, which can be easily achieved as follows:

Fs = 1000                    # 진동수
T = 1/1000                   # 샘플링 간격
L = 1000                     # 신호의 길이
x = [i for i in 0:L-1].*T    # 신호의 도메인

F = dft_matrix(L)        # 0 주파수 성분이 첫번째 성분에 오도록 하는 푸리에 변환 행렬
S = shifted_matrix(F)    # 0 주파수 성분이 중앙에 오도록 하는 푸리에 변환 행렬

y₁ = sin.(2π*100*x)            # 진동수가 100인 사인파
y₂ = 0.5sin.(2π*200*x)         # 진동수가 200인 사인파
y₃ = 2sin.(2π*250*x)           # 진동수가 250인 사인파
y = y₁ + y₂ + y₃ + randn(L)    # 잡음이 섞인 신호

ξ = Fs*[i for i in 0:L-1]/L    # 주파수 도메인

    plot(ξ       , abs.(F*y), label="DFT of the signal"        ),
    plot(ξ .- 500, abs.(S*y), label="Shifted DFT of the signal"),

The result in 2D is as follows:

p = phantom(256, 2)
F = dft_matrix(256)
S = shifted_matrix(F)

ξ = F*p*transpose(F)
η = S*p*transpose(S)

    heatmap(abs.(ξ), yflip=true, clims=(0, 200)),
    heatmap(abs.(η), yflip=true, clims=(0, 200)),

Full Code

function dft_matrix(n)
    ω = exp(-2π*im/n)
    F = [ω^(i*j) for i in 0:n-1, j in 0:n-1]
    return F

function dft_matrix(n)
    return [exp(2π *im*i*j/n) for i in 0:n-1, j in 0:n-1]

using FFTW
using Plots

F = dft_matrix(128)
x = rand(128)

ξ = fft(x)
η = F*x

    plot(abs.(ξ), label="FFTW"),
    plot(abs.(η), label="DFT matrix"),
    plot(abs.(ξ .- η), label="Difference"),

using Tomography

p = phantom(128, 2)
heatmap(p, yflip=true, c=:viridis)

F = dft_matrix(256)
ξ = fft(p)
η = F*p*transpose(F)

    heatmap(abs.(ξ), yflip=true, title="FFTW"),
    heatmap(abs.(η), yflip=true, aspect_ratio=1, title="DFT matrix"),
    heatmap(abs.(ξ .- η), yflip=true, aspect_ratio=1, title="Difference"),

function dft_inverse(F)
    n = size(F, 1)
    return conj(F) / n

F = dft_matrix(128)
x = rand(128)
F⁻¹ = dft_inverse(F)
    plot(x, label="Original signal x"),
    plot(real(F⁻¹*F*x), label="Reconstructed signal F⁻¹*F*x"),
    plot(abs.(x .- F⁻¹*F*x), label="Difference"),
    layout = (3,1)

p = phantom(256, 2)
F = dft_matrix(256)
F⁻¹ = dft_inverse(F)
p_reconstructed = F⁻¹*F*p*transpose(F)*transpose(F⁻¹)

    heatmap(p, yflip=true, title="Original image"),
    heatmap(real(p_reconstructed), yflip=true, title="Reconstructed image"),
    heatmap(abs.(p .- real(p_reconstructed)), yflip=true, title="Difference", clims=(0, 1e-10)),

Fs = 1000                    # 진동수
T = 1/1000                   # 샘플링 간격
L = 1000                     # 신호의 길이
x = [i for i in 0:L-1].*T    # 신호의 도메인

F = dft_matrix(L)        # 0 주파수 성분이 첫번째 성분에 오도록 하는 푸리에 변환 행렬
S = shifted_matrix(F)    # 0 주파수 성분이 중앙에 오도록 하는 푸리에 변환 행렬

y₁ = sin.(2π*100*x)            # 진동수가 100인 사인파
y₂ = 0.5sin.(2π*200*x)         # 진동수가 200인 사인파
y₃ = 2sin.(2π*250*x)           # 진동수가 250인 사인파
y = y₁ + y₂ + y₃ + randn(L)    # 잡음이 섞인 신호

ξ = Fs*[i for i in 0:L-1]/L    # 주파수 도메인

    plot(ξ       , abs.(F*y), label="DFT of the signal"        ),
    plot(ξ .- 500, abs.(S*y), label="Shifted DFT of the signal"),

p = phantom(256, 2)
F = dft_matrix(256)
S = shifted_matrix(F)

ξ = F*p*transpose(F)
η = S*p*transpose(S)

    heatmap(abs.(ξ), yflip=true, clims=(0, 200)),
    heatmap(abs.(η), yflip=true, clims=(0, 200)),


  • OS: Windows11
  • Version: Julia 1.10.0, FFTW v1.8.0, Plots v1.40.3, Tomography v0.1.5