This category deals with real sequences and real functions .
See Also:
- Calculus: University first-year level calculus
- Metric Spaces: Sequences and limits in metric spaces
- Multivariable Vector Analysis: Differentiation and integration of multivariable and vector functions
Real Space
- Three Axioms of Analysis
- Archimedean Principle
- Density of Real Numbers
- The Real Set and the Empty Set are Both Open and Closed
- What is an Accumulation Point in the Set of Real Numbers
- Extended Real Number System
Real Sequences
- Why Redefine Limits of Sequences in University Mathematics
- Why Define Convergence of Sequences in a Complex Way in University Mathematics
- Properties of Convergent Real Sequences
- Properties of Divergent Real Sequences
- Monotonic Sequences and the Monotone Convergence Theorem
- Proof of Cantor’s Intersection Theorem
- Proof of the Bolzano–Weierstrass Theorem
- Cauchy Sequences
- Limit Superior and Limit Inferior
- Limit of a Geometric Sequence
- Subsequences
- Series and Infinite Series
- Definition of Euler’s Number
- Proof that is Irrational
- Derivation of the Binomial Series
- Maclaurin Expansion of the Fresnel Sine Integral
- Limit of a Function: Epsilon-Delta Definition
- The New Definition of Function Continuity in University Mathematics
- Uniform Continuity of Functions
- Left and Right Limits of Functions
- Classification of Discontinuities
- Piecewise Continuity and Smoothness
- 🔒(25/03/28) Equivalent Conditions for Discontinuity
- Derivative of a Function Defined on the Real Space
- Differentiability Implies Continuity
- Properties of Differentiable Functions
- Chain Rule of Differentiation
- Definition of Extremum and Its Relation with Derivatives
- Mean Value Theorem
- Continuous but Non-Differentiable Function: Weierstrass Function
- Relation Between Derivative and Monotonicity of Functions
- Leibniz’s Rule for Differentiation
Riemann Integration
Most of the content on integration is based on the PMA textbook, so many proofs are generalized to the Riemann–Stieltjes integral. Setting gives the proofs for the Riemann integral.
- Partition, Riemann Sum, Riemann Integral
- Riemann–Stieltjes Integral
- Refinement of Partitions
- Upper Integral is Greater Than or Equal to Lower Integral
- Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Integrability
- Non-Integrable Function on a Closed Interval: Dirichlet Function
- Mean Value of a Function
- Definition of Improper Integrals
Properties of Integration
- Integration is Linear
- Integrability is Preserved Under Composition with Continuous Functions
- Integrability is Preserved Under Multiplication of Two Functions
- Integrability is Preserved Within an Interval
- Relation Between Functions’ Order and Integrals’ Order
- Integrable Functions and Absolute Values
- Proof of the Mean Value Theorem for Integrals
- Leibniz’s Rule for Integration
Integration and Differentiation
- Curves with Measurable Length
- If the Derivative of a Curve is Continuous, the Curve Has Measurable Length
Sequences and Series of Functions
- Pointwise Convergence of Function Sequences
- Uniform Convergence of Function Sequences
- Difference Between Pointwise and Uniform Convergence
- Norm Convergence of Function Sequences
- Algebra of Continuous Function Spaces
- Proof of the Stone–Weierstrass Theorem
- Series of Functions
Power Series
- Power Series
- Radius of Convergence
- Convergence
- Differentiation of Power Series
- Integration of Power Series
- Cauchy Product: Product of Two Convergent Power Series
- James Stewart, Daniel Clegg, and Saleem Watson, Calculus (early transcendentals, 9E)
- William R. Wade, An Introduction to Analysis (4th Edition, 2010)
- Walter Rudin, Principles of Mathmatical Analysis (3rd Edition, 1976)
All posts
- Three Axioms of Analysis: 1 Field Axioms
- Three Axioms of Analysis: The Second Order Axiom
- Principle of Archimedes in Analysis
- Three Axioms of Analysis: The Axiom of Completeness
- Proof of the Density of Real Numbers
- Mean Value Theorem for Integrals
- Fresnel Sine Integral's Maclaurin Series Expansion
- Partition, Riemann Sum, Riemann Integral
- Riemann-Stieltjes Integral
- Segmentation
- Upper integral is greater than or equal to lower integral.
- Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Riemann(-Stieltjes) Integrability
- Continuous Functions are Riemann-Stieltjes Integrable
- Monotone Functions are Riemann-Stieltjes Integrable
- Integrability is Preserved in the Composition with Continuous Functions
- Integrability is Preserved in the Multiplication of Two Functions
- Proof of Leibniz's Theorem
- Series, Infinite Series
- Local Lipschitz Condition
- Continuity in Every Piece, Smoothness in Every Segment
- Mean of Function Values
- Convergence of Norms of Function Sequences
- Power Series
- Cauchy Product: The Product of Two Convergent Power Series
- Binomial Series Derivation
- Algebra of the Space of Continuous Functions
- Proof of the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem
- Proof that Pi is an Irrational Number
- The Euler Constant e is an Irrational Number
- Functions That Cannot Be Integrated over a Closed Interval: The Dirichlet Function
- Pointwise Convergence of Function Sequences
- Uniform Convergence of Function Series
- The Accumulation Point in the Set of Real Numbers
- The set of real numbers and the empty set are both open and closed.
- The Difference between Pointwise Convergence and Uniform Convergence of Functions
- Functions of Series
- Continuous but Not Differentiable Functions: Weierstrass Function
- Redefining the Limits of Sequences in University Mathematics
- The Reason for Intricately Defining the Convergence of Sequences in University Mathematics
- Cantor's Intersection Theorem
- Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem
- Cauchy Sequence
- Limits Supremum and Limits Infimum
- Epsilon-Delta Argument
- Newly Defined Continuous Functions in University Mathematics
- Uniform Continuity of Functions
- Differentiation of Functions Defined in Real Number Space
- Extended Real Number System
- Leibniz Integral Rule
- Second Derivative, Higher Order Derivative
- Linearity of Riemann(-Stieltjes) Iintegral
- Integrable Functions and Absolute Values
- Riemann-Stieltjes Integrability is Preserved within an Interval
- The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus in Analysis
- The Relationship Between the Size of Integrals Based on the Order of Functions
- Properties of Converging Real Sequences
- If Differentiable, Then Continuous
- Differentiable Function Properties
- Definition and Relationship of Extremum in Analysis and Differential Coefficients
- The Chain Rule of Differentiation in Analysis
- Mean Value Theorem in Analysis
- The Relationship between Derivatives and the Increasing/Decreasing of Functions
- Limits from the Left and the Right Strictly Defined in Analysis
- Classification of Discontinuities
- The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus in Analysis
- Integration by Parts
- Measuring Curves: A Guide to Length
- If the Derivative of a Curve is Continuous, the Curve Can Be Measured
- Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Uniform Convergence
- The Definition of Euler's Constant, the Natural Number e
- Monotone Sequence and Monotone Convergence Theorem
- Properties of Divergent Real Sequences
- Uniform Convergence and Continuity of Function Sequences
- Definition of Improper Integrals
- Limits of Subsequences and Convergence of Sequences
- Subsequence
- Uniform Convergence and Differentiation
- Uniform Convergence and Integrability of Function Series
- Radius of Convergence of Power Series
- Differentiation of Power Series
- Convergence of Power Series
- Integration of Power Series