Unique Factorization Domain
Definitions 1
- A domain , that is neither nor a field, in which every element (except for 0 and units) has a unique factorization into irreducible elements is said to be a Unique Factorization Domain.
- In a Unique Factorization Domain , for if and every divisor of divides , then is called the Greatest Common Divisor of , denoted by .
- Let a polynomial in a Unique Factorization Domain be denoted by . If , then is said to be Primitive.
- A unit is the identity element with respect to multiplication, and a field element is an element that has a multiplicative inverse.
Theorems 2
- [1]: Every PID is a UFD.
- [2] Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic: is a UFD.
- [3] Gauss’s Lemma: If is a UFD, then the product of primitive polynomials in is also primitive.
- [4]: If is a UFD, then is also a UFD.
- [5]: If is a field, then is a UFD.
The term “Unique Factorization Domain” is often shortened to UFD because it’s quite lengthy.
The existence of a finite factorization of elements means that a given element can be represented as a product of a finite number of irreducible elements. The utility of UFDs lies in the ability to decompose larger objects into more manageable pieces. Even if we cannot specifically identify these components in all cases, the mere existence of such factorization is greatly helpful. It makes the domain conform to our “common sense” of computation.
There are many examples of UFDs. For instance, as mentioned in Theorem [2], the ring of integers is one. However, consider a simple extension field obtained by adding to the ring of integers. Here, while has a prime factorization , is also possible making the factorization not unique, and we can easily verify that is not a Unique Factorization Domain.
Primitive Function?
Being primitive in this context has nothing to do with the notion of a primitive function in calculus, which refers to not being able to factor out coefficients uniformly across the polynomial, unlike being able to encapsulate as .
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
Unlike the statement in number theory, the fact that the ring of integers is a UFD is summarized here. Obviously, a myriad of concepts are mobilized for this declaration, but higher-level number theory often expresses such ideas in algebraic terminologies, making the study of algebra indispensable. Even if one does not major in algebra, lacking knowledge in it is like being in the dark.
Gauss’s Lemma
Gauss’s Lemma is more interesting than one might think. For example, considering , its product is , which can’t obviously be factored by some greatest common divisor . One might expect to stumble upon at least one counter-example eventually, but thanks to Gauss’s Lemma, such futile efforts are unnecessary.
Part 1. Existence
If is a PID, then can be expressed as a finite product of irreducible elements , like so .
Part 2. Uniqueness
Suppose there are other irreducible elements such that is also possible.
Since irreducible elements in a PID are prime, for some , must hold. Cancelling from both sides gives Repeatedly applying the same logic up to yields Since is irreducible, it must divide .
Every ideal of is of the form , making it a PID, and by Theorem [1], a UFD.
Consider primitive polynomials as shown above.
Let be an irreducible element.
- Since is primitive, , and can’t divide all of . Let the first coefficient that fails to divide among those be .
- Similarly, since is primitive, , and can’t divide all of . Let the first coefficient that fails to divide among those be .
Then the coefficient of the term of is And by definition,
- for :
- for :
However, since , the given can’t divide . The same applies to all irreducible elements, making primitive.
Let the degree of be .
Then, can be factored into And for each , the factors can be expressed as the product of a primitive function and , as in This is called the Content of , leading to Since the content is unique for given and , the factorization of is unique disregarding the order and scalar multiplication of factors.
- [2]: If is a field, all non-constant polynomials can be factored into irreducible elements, and this factorization is unique.
By the definition of UFD, is a UFD, and by Theorem [4], is also a UFD. Repeating this for a finite number of leads to the conclusion that is a UFD.
See Also
- Euclidean Domain Principal Ideal Domain Unique Factorization Domain Integrally Closed Domain