
Proof of the Second Isomorphism Theorem 📂Abstract Algebra

Proof of the Second Isomorphism Theorem

Theorem 1

The Isomorphism Theorems were proven by algebraist Emmy Noether and refer to the three independent theorems above.


In most cases where the Second Isomorphism Theorem is used, it’s fine to think of $HN := \left\{ hn \ | \ h \in H , n \in N \right\}$ as the product of two normal subgroups $H , N \triangleleft G$, as $HN \triangleleft G$ can be easily shown through simple computation. A slight modification to the expression of the quotient group in the Second Isomorphism Theorem gives $$ {{HN} \over {N}} \simeq {{H } \over { H \cap N }} $$ This can be seen as a kind of ‘cancellation’ where a common factor in both numerator and denominator is removed.


Strategy: Define $\phi : HN \to H / ( H \cap N)$ as $$ \phi (hn) := h(H \cap N) $$ After proving that $\phi$ is a canonical projection and $N$ is $\ker \phi$, using the First Isomorphism Theorem finishes the proof.

Part 1. $\phi$ is a function.

  • Since the domain of $\phi$ is $HN$, if we set $x \in HN$ then it can be expressed as the product $x = h_{x} n_{x}$ of some $h_{x} \in H$ and $n_{x} \in N$.
  • As the codomain of $\phi$ is $H / \left( H \cap N \right)$, the function value of $\phi$ for $x \in HN$, $\phi (x)$, appears as a form $h_{x} \left( H \cap N \right)$ with some element $h_{x} \in H$ multiplied on the left in the coset $\left( H \cap N \right)$.

Therefore, since for $x,y \in HN$ $$ \begin{align*} & x = y \\ \implies& h_{x} n_{x} = x = y = h_{y} n_{y} \\ \implies& H \ni h_{y}^{-1} h_{x} = n_{y} n_{x}^{-1} \in N \\ \implies& h_{y}^{-1} h_{x} \in \left( H \cap N \right) \\ \implies& h_{x} \in h_{y} \left( H \cap N \right) \\ \implies& h_{x} (H \cap N) = h_{y} (H \cap N) \\ \implies& \phi \left( h_{x} n_{x} \right) = \phi \left( h_{y} n_{y} \right) \\ \implies& \phi (x) = \phi (y) \end{align*} $$ $\phi$ is a function.

Part 2. $\phi$ is a homomorphism.

For $h_{1} n_{1} , h_{2} n_{2} \in HN$, $$ \begin{align*} \phi ( ( h_{1} n_{1} ) ( h_{2} n_{2} ) ) =& \phi ( h_{1} h_{2} n_{1} n_{2} ) \\ =& h_{1} h_{2} (H \cap N) \\ =& h_{1} (H \cap N) h_{2} (H \cap N) \\ =& \phi (h_{1} n_{1} ) \phi ( h_{2} n_{2} ) \end{align*} $$ Therefore, $\phi$ is a homomorphism.

Part 3. $\phi$ is surjective.

Let $e$ be the identity element of $N$. Then, for every $h(H \cap N) \in H / (H \cap N )$, $$ \phi (hn) = h (H \cap N ) $$ a $h e = h \in HN$ exists that satisfies the condition, thus $\phi$ is surjective.

Part 4. $N = \ker ( \phi )$

If $( \subset )$ $n \in N$, then $\phi (n) = \phi ( en) = e (H \cap N ) = H \cap N$, therefore $$ n \in \ker ( \phi ) $$ If $( \supset )$ $hn \in \ker ( \phi)$, then from $\phi (hn) = H \cap N$ $hn \in ( H \cap N )$, therefore $$ hn \in N $$

Part 5.

First Isomorphism Theorem: If a homomorphism $\phi : G \to G'$ exists, then $G / \ker ( \phi ) \simeq \phi (G)$

Since $\phi : HN \to H / ( H \cap N)$ is a homomorphism and surjective, $\phi ( NH ) = H / ( H \cap N)$. Meanwhile, because of $N = \ker ( \phi )$, the First Isomorphism Theorem yields: $$ (HN) / N \simeq H / (H \cap N) $$

  1. Fraleigh. (2003). A first course in abstract algebra(7th Edition): p307~309. Let $G,G'$ be a group↩︎