Definition of a Grading Module
Let’s denote it as .
Graded Ring
A Graded Ring equipped with a direct sum of an Abelian group that Link is defined by the multiplication between being Elements within each part of the direct sum, , are called Homogeneous and have a Degree . According to this definition, the degree of all is . For example, considering a polynomial ring like , , and is homogeneous of degree in , and is homogeneous of degree in . However, their sum is not homogeneous, and their product is homogeneous in with degree . As the example shows, in cases where , it is said to have a Standard Grading, and although the expression might seem difficult, one familiar with the polynomial ring would find it quite intuitive. Perhaps the most unfamiliar term might be , hence the use of the term Grade. Though we could think of even more complex and abstract examples, let’s move on to the definition of graded modules for now.
Definition 1
A Graded Module equipped with a direct sum on a -Module is defined by the action of on as follows.
Even though the definition might seem puzzling at first, essentially, a Graded Module is similar to a graded ring but is a module, and importantly, it might possess the necessary properties within a polynomial ring as well. Especially when the Base Ring is a PID (Principal Ideal Domain) , the following theorem, which characterizes its structure similarly to the Fundamental Theorem of Finite generated Abelian groups, is known.
The Structure of Graded Modules: On a PID , every graded module can be uniquely decomposed as follows. Here, satisfy , where , and denotes the increase in grading by . The left side is called the Free part, and the right side the Torsional part.
Zomorodian. (2005). Computing Persistent Homology: 2-1 ↩︎