
Homotopy Type 📂Topological Data Analysis

Homotopy Type

Definition 1

For two topological spaces $X, Y$, if there exist continuous functions $f : X \to Y$, $g: Y \to X$ that satisfy the following, then $X, Y$ is said to have the same Homotopy Type and $X, Y$ or $f, g$ is also referred to as Homotopy Equivalent. $$ \begin{align*} g \circ f \simeq& \text{id}_{X} \\ f \circ g \simeq& \text{id}_{Y} \end{align*} $$ Here, $\text{id}_{\cdot}$ is the identity function, and $f \simeq g$ means that $f,g$ is homotopic.


The reason for considering homotopy equivalence, i.e., having the same homotopy type, is obviously to talk about a relaxed ‘sameness’ stepping back slightly from topological isomorphism. What is compromised for this purpose is the condition that $f$ and $g$ are inverse functions to each other in the definition, and it is sufficient if returning to the original space from the opposite side just returns to the original point.

  1. Munkres. (1984). Elements of Algebraic Topology: p113. ↩︎