
Properties of Complete Metric Spaces 📂MetricSpace

Properties of Complete Metric Spaces


(X,d)(X,d) is a metric space and let KXK \subset X.


A complete metric space possesses all the usual properties one might expect from a space with completeness, being a metric space with completeness. If it becomes a normed vector space, it is called a Banach space, and if an inner product is defined, it becomes a Hilbert space. Irrespective of being a normed vector space, if it’s separable, it’s also known as a Polish space.




Properties of Accumulation Points in Metric Spaces

xXx \in X is an accumulation point of KK. There exists a sequence of distinct points in KK converging to xXx \in X with     \iff xx.

If xXx \in X is an accumulation point of KK, then there exists a sequence {xn}nN\left\{ x_n \right\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}} of distinct points in KK converging to xx. Since {xn}nN\left\{ x_n \right\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}} consists of distinct points, it is a Cauchy sequence, and since KK is a complete space, it must converge to xKx \in K. Therefore, KK is a closed set.


Suppose {xn}nN\left\{ x_n \right\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}} is a Cauchy sequence of points in KK. Since XX is complete, {xn}nN\left\{ x_n \right\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}} converges to some point xXx \in X. However, since KK is a closed set, it converges to xKx \in K, and this holds for every Cauchy sequence, meaning KK must be a complete subspace of XX.

Strategy (b): The proof of ()(\Longleftarrow) is trivial. After demonstrating KK is sequentially compact in ()(\Longrightarrow), we use Borel-Cantelli Lemma. A metric space KK being sequentially compact means every sequence in KK has a subsequence that converges to a point in KK.



Consider {xn}nN\left\{ x_n \right\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}, a sequence of points in the closed set KK. For all mNm \in \mathbb{N}, there exists 1/m1/m-ball AεA_{\varepsilon} around KK, so there always exists an open ball Bm:=Bd(x,1/m)B_{m} := B_{d} ( x, 1/m) that contains infinitely many points of nNn \in \mathbb{N} for an infinite number of xnx_{n}. For m=1m=1, let’s define N1NN_{1} \subset \mathbb{N} as N1:={n:xnB1}N_{1} := \left\{ n : x_{n} \in B_{1} \right\}. Here we choose n1N1n_{1} \in N_{1}. For m=2m=2, let’s define N2NN_{2} \subset \mathbb{N} as N2:={n:xnB1B2}N_{2} := \left\{ n : x_{n} \in B_{1} \cap B_{2} \right\}. Here we choose n2N2n_{2} \in N_{2}. In this manner, for every m=kNm=k \in \mathbb{N}, let’s define NkNN_{k} \subset \mathbb{N} as Nk:={n:xni=1kBk}N_{k} := \left\{ n : x_{n} \in \bigcap_{i=1}^{k} B_{k} \right\}. Here we choose nkNkn_{k} \in N_{k}. Then, {xnk}kN\left\{ x_{n_{k}} \right\}_{k \in \mathbb{N}}, being a subsequence of {xn}nN\left\{ x_n \right\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}, is a Cauchy sequence for every lkl \ge k due to xlBkx_{l} \in B_{k}. Since XX is complete, {xnk}kN\left\{ x_{n_{k}} \right\}_{k \in \mathbb{N}} converges to a point in XX, especially since KK is a closed set, it converges to a point in KK.

Borel-Lebesgue Theorem

For a metric space (X,ρ)(X, \rho), the following are equivalent:

Since we have shown that every sequence in KK has a subsequence that converges to a point in KK, KK is sequentially compact, and according to Borel-Lebesgue Theorem, the closed set KK is compact.


Since the closed set KK is compact, for all ε>0\varepsilon>0 there exists a ε\varepsilon-net in KK. Therefore, KK is totally bounded.