Let’s say we have different x0,⋯,xn for f∈Cn(H{x0,⋯,xn}). Then, for the standard simplexτn:={(t1,⋯,tn):ti≥0∧i=1∑tti≤1}
and t0=1−i=1∑nti, the following is true.
H{a,b,c,⋯} represents the smallest interval that includes a,b,c,⋯.
The Hermite-Genocchi Formula generalizes the use of finite differences allowing for more flexibility than the complex equations it describes might suggest. In a way, the finite differences defined by the Hermite-Genocchi Formula are the actual subject, while the traditional finite differences provide a simpler way to understand this new concept.
Duplicate Data and Derivative Coefficients
If a finite difference f[n+1xi,⋯,xi] can exist, then because i=0∑nti=1,
applies, and f(n)(xi) is treated as a constant, coming out of the integral, making
Meanwhile, showing the integration range τn up to dimension 3 illustrates the region represented by the standard simplex as seen in the image above. The volume of these ∫⋯∫τn1dt1⋯dtn is simply calculated as vol(τn)=n!1, therefore
applies. This is for the case where all x0,⋯,xn are the same, which should be impossible according to the original definition of finite differences
since the denominator becomes 0. However, the Hermite-Genocchi Formula disregards such concerns, providing the following corollaries:
[3]’: f[xi,xi]=f′(xi)
[4]’: f[n+1xi,⋯,xi]=n!1f(n)(xi)
Moreover, from this discussion, there isn’t necessarily a requirement for all nodes to be identical. Finite differences are used because it’s challenging to calculate the derivative coefficients directly, so if any information about these coefficients is available, it’s better to utilize it. For instance, consider the form
which, while mathematically nonsensical, conceptually, the claim
is not outright absurd. Therefore,
suggests using whatever information is available about the derivative coefficients. This generalization to allow for duplicate nodes also opens up possibilities for differentiation, such as when there’s an unfixed variable f[x0,x1,x], differentiating the finite difference with respect to x yields
Since the finite difference remains consistent regardless of the order of nodes,
according to the definition of finite differences,
Generalizing this for x0,⋯,xn implies that
differentialing the finite difference with respect to x effectively adds another instance of x. This aligns intuitively with the fact that having more nodes in the finite difference is akin to taking more derivatives.
The derivation itself can be straightforwardly achieved through mathematical induction but is skipped here due to the complexity and messiness of the equations and indices involved. It’s recommended to accept it as a fact and move on.
Atkinson. (1989). An Introduction to Numerical Analysis(2nd Edition): p145~146. ↩︎