Matrix Algebra
This section focuses on matrices within linear algebra, covering systems of equations, matrix diagonalization, matrix decomposition, eigenvalue problems, and matrix transformations. Topics on general vector spaces and linear transformations can be found in the Linear Algebra category. Even if the content overlaps, articles in the Linear Algebra category may be more abstract or challenging. Numerical linear algebra from the Tistory branch has been integrated into this category.
Basic Matrix Algebra
Forms of Matrices
- Definition of Vectors
- Definition of Matrices
- Matrix Operations: Scalar Multiplication, Addition, Multiplication
- Identity Matrix $I, E$
- Zero Matrix $O$
- $1$ Matrix
- Square Matrix
- Triangular Matrix
- Diagonal Matrix $\diag$
- Block Matrix $\begin{bmatrix} A & B \ C & D \end{bmatrix}$
- Sparse Matrix
- Hankel Matrix $H$
- 🔒(25/04/15) Toeplitz Matrix
Properties of Matrices
- Inverse Matrix $A^{-1}$, Invertible Matrix
- Transpose Matrix $A^{T}$
- Conjugate Transpose Matrix $A^{\ast}$
- Hermitian Matrix $A^{\ast} = A$
- Normal Matrix $A A^{\ast} = A^{\ast} A$
- Eigenvalues of Hermitian Matrices are Always Real
- Eigenvectors Corresponding to Distinct Eigenvalues of a Hermitian Matrix are Orthogonal
- Convex Cone of Hermitian Matrices and Positive Semi-Definite Matrices $\mathbb{H}{n}$, $\mathbb{P}{n}$
- Löwner Order of Hermitian Matrices $A \ge B$
- Orthogonal Matrix $A^{T} = A^{-1}$
- Projection Matrix $P^{2} = P$
- Definite Matrix $\mathbf{x}^{\ast} A \mathbf{x} \ne 0$
- Exponential and Logarithm of Matrices $e^{A}$, $\log A$
- Real Powers of Positive Definite Matrices $A^{t}$
Systems of Equations
- System of Linear Equations
- Overdetermined and Underdetermined Systems
- Augmented matrix and Elementary Row Operations
- Gauss-Jordan Elimination Method
- Homogeneous Systems of Linear Equations
- Elementary Matrices
- Inverse Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations
- Determinant $\det$
- Cofactor and Classical Adjoint Matrix $\text{adj} A = C^{T}$
- Proof of Cramer’s Rule
- Derivation of the Determinant of a Vandermonde Matrix
- Derivation of the Determinant of a Tridiagonal Matrix
- Derivation of the Sherman-Morrison Formula $\left( A + \mathbf{u} \mathbf{v}^{T} \right)^{-1}$
Eigenvalue Problems
- Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- Algebraic and Geometric Multiplicities of Eigenvalues
- Spectrum
- Generalization of Ellipses: Ellipsoids
Linear Transformations
Matrix Spaces
Numerical Matrix Algebra
Matrix Decomposition
- Eigenvalue Diagonalization of Invertible Matrices $A = Q^{\ast} \Lambda Q$
- Cholesky Decomposition of Positive Definite Matrices
- LU Decomposition of Invertible Matrices $A = LU$
- LDU Decomposition of Symmetric Matrices $A = LDL^{T}$
- Schur Decomposition of Square Matrices $A = QTQ^{\ast}$
- Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of Matrices
- QR Decomposition of Matrices
Least Squares Method
주요 참고문헌
- Stephen H. Friedberg, Linear Algebra (4th Edition, 2002)
- 김상동. (2012). 수치행렬해석
- Howard Anton, Elementary Linear Algebra: Aplications Version (12th Edition, 2019)
All posts
- Inverse Functions of Fractional Functions and the Shape of the Inverse Matrix of a Quadratic Square Matrix
- Proof of the Power Formula for Rotation Transformation Matrices
- A Simple Formula to Calculate the Sum of Elements of the Product of Second-Order Matrices
- Row Space, Column Space, Null Space
- Matrix Rank, Nullity
- Understanding Ranks and Nullity through Systems of Equations
- Algebraic and Geometric Multiplicities of Eigenvalues
- Similar Matrices Have the Same Eigenvalues
- The Algebraic Multiplicity of Eigenvalues is Greater Than or Equal to Their Geometric Multiplicity
- Eigenvalue Diagonalization of Invertible Matrices
- Singular Value Decomposition of a Matrix
- Proof of the Existence of a Complete Singular Value Decomposition
- Schur Decomposition of Square Matrices
- Eigenvalue Diagonalization of Hermitian Matrices: Proof of Spectral Theory
- LU Decomposition of Invertible Matrices
- Decomposition of Symmetric Matrices into LDU
- Cholesky Decomposition of Positive Definite Matrices
- Uniqueness Proof of Cholesky Decomposition
- Matrix Algebra: Projections
- Matrix Projection in Linear Algebra
- Least Squares Method
- Matrix QR Decomposition
- Cholesky Decomposition for Least Squares Method
- QR Decomposition for Least Squares Method
- Singular Value Decomposition for Least Squares
- Laplace Expansion
- Proof of Cramer's Rule
- Derivation of the Determinant of the Vandermonde Matrix
- Tri-diagonal Matrix Determinant Derivation
- Strassen Algorithm Proof
- Generalization of the Ellipse: Ellipsoid
- Operations and Notation Table of Vectors and Matrices
- Definition of Vectors
- Matrix Definitions
- Matrix Operations: Scalar Multiplication, Addition, and Multiplication
- Square Matrix
- Diagonal Matrix
- Identity Matrix, Unit Matrix
- Transpose Matrix
- Inverse Matrix, Reversible Matrix
- Conditions for a Matrix Being Invertible
- Symmetric Matrices, Skew-Symmetric Matrices
- Conjugate Transpose Matrix
- Matrix Inner Product
- Orthogonal Matrix
- Properties of Orthogonal Matrices
- Trace
- Equivalence Conditions for Orthogonal Matrices
- Hermitian Matrix
- The eigenvalues of a Hermitian matrix are always real
- The eigenvectors of distinct eigenvalues of Hermitian matrices are orthogonal.
- Unitary Matrix
- Simultaneous Linear Equations
- Augmented Matrices and Elementary Row Operations
- Determinants
- Properties of Determinants
- Definite matrix
- Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- Matrix Similarity
- Matrix Transformation
- Gaussian-Jordan Elimination
- Simultaneous Homogeneous Linear Equations
- Basic Matrix
- Inverse Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations
- Basis of Row Space, Column Space, and Null Space
- Pseudo Inverse Matrix
- 회전변환
- Frobenius Norm
- Supersaturated and Undersaturated Systems
- Fundamental Spaces of Matrices
- Properties of Full Rank Matrices
- Perron-Frobenius Theorem
- Triangular Matrix
- Nilpotent Matrix
- Definition of Spectral Radius
- Block Matrices
- Row-wise and Column-wise Scalar Multiplication of Matrix
- Orthogonal Triangular Matrices are Nilpotent
- Matrix
- Zero Matrix
- Direct Sum of Matrices
- Kronecker Product of Matrices
- Hadamard Product of Matrices
- Proof of the Matrix Determinant Lemma
- Derivation of the Sherman-Morrison Formula
- Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- Determinant of a Triangular Matrix
- Sparse Matrices
- Square Root Matrix
- Finding the Inverse Matrix Using Gaussian Elimination Algorithm
- Inverse Matrix of X^T X: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions
- 3D Rotation Transformation Matrix: Roll, Pitch, Yaw
- Hankel Matrix
- The Spectrum and Decomposition Set of Matrices
- Toeplitz Matrices are Hermitian Matrices
- Spectral Decomposition
- Inverse and Square Root of Positive Definite Matrices
- Permutation Matrix
- PLU Decomposition
- Positive Semidefinite Matrices and the Proof of the Extended Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality
- Hermitian Matrix Spaces and Convex Cones of Positive Semidefinite Matrices
- Hermitian Matrix's Loewner Order
- Exponential and Logarithm of Matrices
- Positive Semidefinite Matrices and Their Real Powers
- Definition of a Normal Matrix
- Affine Transformation