
Topological Data Analysis

TDATopological Data analysis is a data analysis technique that has gained particular attention in the 2020s, employing Algebraic Topology to focus on the essential shapes inherent in data. It is considered a promising approach for solving the remaining challenges in modern society swept by Statistics and Deep Learning, especially known for its effectiveness in analyzing unstructured data.

Algebraic Topology



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Computational Topology

Persistent Homology


  • Edelsbrunner, Harer. (2010). Computational Topology An Introduction
  • Dantchev. (2012). Efficient construction of the Cech complex
  • Hatcer. (2002). Algebraic Topology
  • Munkres. (1984). Elements of Algebraic Topology
  • Raul Rabadan. (2020). Topological Data Analysis for Genomics and Evolution
  • Sheffar. (2020). Introductory Topological Data Analysis
  • Zomorodian. (2005). Computing Persistent Homology

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