Galois Field
📂Abstract AlgebraGalois Field
For a prime number p and a natural number n, a finite field with cardinality pn is defined as the Galois Field of order pn, denoted as GF(pn). Finite fields are exclusively Galois Fields, and for a given p and n, the Galois Field is uniquely determined.
- The uniqueness implies that even if there are different fields, an isomorphism exists, making them essentially the same field.
Even though no one believed in the existence of finite fields when Gauss first conceived the concept, it is now established that finite fields not only exist but are also unique and their specific structures have been identified. This eliminates the need for redundant research.
For instance, there is no need to ponder the existence of a field with 10 elements, and since GF(p)=Zp is an integer ring, we already know a lot about it. If more information is desired, one can approach through Zp without clinging to abstract definitions, and vice versa.
Part 1. All finite fields are Galois Fields.
Let’s denote a finite extension field of field F as E and its degree over F as n:=[E:F].
If we set ∣F∣=q, then E is a n-dimensional vector space over F, hence ∣E∣=qn. A field has a multiplicative identity, and if the characteristic is 0, an isomorphic subring exists, leading to an infinite field. Therefore, the characteristic of a finite field must be a finite natural number. If the characteristic of finite field E is p=0, then since E has a multiplicative identity 1, it must be p⋅1=0. Being a domain,
cannot have a p1,p2∈Z satisfying it, thus p must be a prime number. Consequently, E has a subfield isomorphic to the prime field Zp, and since ∣Zp∣=p, it follows that ∣E∣=pn.
Part 2. Existence of Galois Fields
Part 2-1. Zeros of xpn−x
Consider the algebraic closure F of a field F with characteristic p, (xpn−x).
Since F is algebraically closed, (xpn−x)∈F[x] factors into linear terms of 1. A readily observable fact is
thus 0 becomes a zero in (xpn−x). Considering another zero α=0 of f(x):=xpn−1−1,
f(α)=0 hence
By this, expressing f(x) as a product of (x−α),
For convenience, let’s denote the second factor as
thus, g(x) has pn−1 terms. Substituting x=α gives
Previously, we stated that α=0 is a zero of f(x), hence αpn−1−1=0, and since we assumed the characteristic is the prime number p,
Therefore, α is not a repeated root of f(x)=0, and the same applies to other non-α zeros. Consequently, (xpn−x) has precisely pn distinct zeros.
Part 2-2. Freshman’s Dream
Considering α,β∈F, computing (α+β)p by the binomial theorem yields
Since the characteristic of F is p, the last term becomes 0, thus
Taking p to the power on both sides once more gives
Simplifying, we get (α+β)p2=αp2+βp2, and repeating this n times results in
Now, consider the algebraic closure Zp of Zp.
Let’s denote the set of all zeros in (xpn−x)∈Zp[x] as K⊂Zp, and its elements as α,β∈K.
Part 2-3. K is a Galois Field.
- (i) Closure under addition:
Adding both sides, by Part 2-2 (α+β)pn=αpn+βpn,
thus, (α+β)∈K.
- (ii) Additive identity: Since 0pn−0=0, 0∈K.
- (iii) Additive inverse: If (−α)pn=(−1)pn(α)pn=(−1)pnα,
- If p=2, then −1=1, so (−α)=α∈K.
- Since p=2 is an odd prime, (−α)pn−(−α)=0, i.e., (−α)∈K.
- (iv) Closure under multiplication: Since (αβ)pn=αpnβpn=αβ, (αβ)pn−αβ=0, thus αβ∈K.
- (v) Multiplicative identity: Since 1pn−1=0, 1∈K.
- (vi) Multiplicative inverse: For α=0, taking the inverse of (α)pn=α gives (α)pn1=α1, thus
so α−1∈K.
- (vii): ∣K∣=pn: The characteristic of Zp is p, so by Part 2-1, (xpn−x) has precisely pn distinct zeros.
Therefore, K is a Galois Field of order
Part 3. Uniqueness of Galois Fields
From Part 1, the characteristic of F is the prime number p, and from Part 2-1, operations in the algebraic closure F of F, considering the multiplicative identity 1F of F as 1Zp, are essentially the same as operations in the algebraic closure Zp of Zp.
Part 3-1. The nature of a field with cardinality pn, E⊂Zp
Lagrange’s Theorem: If H is a subgroup of a finite group G, then ∣H∣ is a divisor of ∣G∣.
Considering the group (E∗,×) under multiplication × for a field (E,+,×) with cardinality pn, E∗ consists of pn−1 elements excluding the multiplicative identity 0∈E of E and the identity 1∈E∗. The order of α∈E∗, the cardinality of the cyclic group generated by α, is a divisor of pn−1 by Lagrange’s Theorem, hence
In other words, all elements of E are zeros of xpn−x and, by the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, the elements of the field E with cardinality pn within the algebraic closure Zp of Zp are precisely the zeros of (xpn−x)∈Zp[x].
Part 3-2. Minimal Polynomials
According to Part 2-1 and Part 3-1, for a given p and n, there exists a field E consisting entirely of zeros of (xpn−x), and considering the characteristic of F as p, the operations on its coefficients are the same as those in the prime field Zp. By Part 2-3 and Part 1, E is a Galois Field containing the prime field Zp as a subfield and satisfies ∣E∣=pn, and again by Part 2-1, E is the minimal splitting field of (xpn−x).
Properties of Minimal Splitting Fields: All minimal splitting fields are isomorphic.
Hence, for a given p and n, the Galois Field is unique.
Corollary: Freshman’s Dream
As an interesting fact, the equation from Part 2-2
is known as the Freshman’s Dream. It’s named because, from the perspective of a newcomer to the subject, the ability to distribute exponentiation inside a bracket would make solving complex problems straightforward without detailed expansions. Notably, in number theory, a similar result can be derived for congruences (α+β)pn≡αpn+βpn(modp) without mentioning the characteristic.