
Radicals and Nilradicals in Abstract Algebra 📂Abstract Algebra

Radicals and Nilradicals in Abstract Algebra

Definition 1

Let $N$ be an ideal of $R$.

  1. $\text{rad} N := \left\{ a \in R \ | \ a^n \in N \right\}$ is called the radical of $N$.
  2. If there exists a $n \in \mathbb{N}$ that satisfies $a^{n} = 0$, then $a$ is called nilpotent.
  3. The set of nilpotent elements $\text{nil} R := \left\{ a \in R \ | \ a^n = 0 \right\}$ is called the nilradical of $R$.


The radical of $N$ is denoted as $\sqrt{N}$, and the nilradical of $R$ is denoted as $\sqrt{0}$. It makes sense to think of $\sqrt{N}$ in such a way that an element of $\sqrt{N}$, when raised to a certain power, produces an element of $N$.

The following two theorems are useful because they specify that $\sqrt{N}$ and $\sqrt{0}$ can be concretely defined when an ideal is needed. The radical and nilradical satisfy rather strong conditions, making them easy to handle.


Let $R$ be a commutative ring.

  • [1]: $\sqrt{N}$ is an ideal of $R$.
  • [2]: $\sqrt{0}$ is an ideal of $R$.



Since $R$ is a commutative ring and $N$ is an ideal, for $r \in R$, $a \in N$ $$ ra \in N \\ r^{n} \in R $$ and, for $a^{n} \in N$ $$ r^{n} a^{n} = (ra)^{n} \in \sqrt{N} $$ Therefore, $$ r \sqrt{N} = \sqrt{N} r \subset \sqrt{N} $$ It remains to show that $( \sqrt{N} , + )$ is a subgroup of $R$, by checking the existence of the identity and inverses.

  • (ii): Since $0^{n} \in N$, $0$ exists as the identity of $\sqrt{n}$.
  • (iii): For all $a$, since $(-a)^{n} = (-1)^{n} a^{n} \in N$, $-a \in \sqrt{N}$ exists as the inverse of $a$.


Since $R$ is a commutative ring, for $r \in R$, $a \in \sqrt{0}$ $$ (ra)^{n} = r^{n} a^{n} = 0 $$ and, since $ra \in r \sqrt{0}$ $$ r \sqrt{0} = \sqrt{0} r \subset \sqrt{0} $$ It remains to show that $( \sqrt{0} , + )$ is a subgroup of $R$, by checking the existence of the identity and inverses.

  • (ii): Since $0^{1} = 0$, $0$ exists as the identity of $\sqrt{0}$.
  • (iii): For all $a$, since $(-a)^{n} = (-1)^{n} a^{n} = 0$, $-a \in \sqrt{0}$ exists as the inverse of $a$.

  1. Fraleigh. (2003). A first course in abstract algebra(7th Edition): p245. ↩︎