Adiabatic Expansion of an Ideal Gas
📂Thermal PhysicsAdiabatic Expansion of an Ideal Gas
The number of moles being 1 and in a system of an ideal gas undergoing adiabatic expansion, where the pressure is p, and the volume is V, then pVγ is a constant.
At this time γ=CVCp is the ratio of the isobaric heat capacity to the isochoric heat capacity.
Adiabatic expansion refers to the expansion where thermal energy does not change. Physically, γ=CVCp has no particular meaning.
First Law of Thermodynamics
By the First Law of Thermodynamics, dU(T,V) is a total differential, and the following holds.
Average Kinetic Energy of Gas Molecules
Since the average kinetic energy of gas molecules is as above, the total energy is equal to this multiplied by the number of molecules N.
Therefore, ∂V∂U=0, and since CV=∂T∂U, dU=CVdT holds. Also, since the thermal energy does not change, δQ=0. Substituting this into the First Law of Thermodynamics yields the following.
However, δW=−pdV holds, and if the gas has moles of n=1, the ideal gas law is p=VnRT=VRT. Therefore, the following formula is obtained.
Here, since γ=CVCp=1+CVR⟹CV=γ−1R, the following is obtained.
If the volume and temperature before expansion are V1,T1, and the volume and temperature after expansion are V2,T2, integrating both sides gives the following.
Therefore, TVγ−1 is a constant. In the ideal gas law, since T=RpV, the following is obtained.
Therefore, pVγ is a constant.